Etoys: Morphic-bf.53.mcz

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Etoys: Morphic-bf.53.mcz

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-bf.53
Author: bf
Time: 16 May 2011, 6:46:04 pm
UUID: f2ed04e3-1b64-46c7-950d-ff2928a765ad
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.52

- rename insertCharactersAtEnd: to appendCharacters:
- make appendCharacters: and insertCharacters: retain the text attributes

=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.52 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>appendCharacters: (in category 'scripting access') -----
+ appendCharacters: aString
+ "append the characters from the given player to my end"
+ | end aText attributes |
+ end := text size.
+ aText := end = 0
+ ifTrue: [aString asText]
+ ifFalse: [
+ attributes := (text attributesAt: end)
+ select: [:attr | attr mayBeExtended].
+ Text string: aString attributes: attributes].
+ paragraph replaceFrom: end + 1 to: end with: aText displaying: true.
+ self updateFromParagraph   !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>insertCharacters: (in category 'scripting access') -----
+ insertCharacters: aString
- insertCharacters: aSource
  "Insert the characters from the given source at my current cursor position"
+ | aLoc aText attributes |
+ aLoc := self cursor max: 1.
+ aText := aLoc > text size
+ ifTrue: [aString asText]
+ ifFalse: [
+ attributes := (text attributesAt: aLoc)
+ select: [:attr | attr mayBeExtended].
+ Text string: aString attributes: attributes].
+ paragraph replaceFrom: aLoc to: (aLoc - 1) with: aText displaying: true.
- | aLoc |
- aLoc _ self cursor max: 1.
- paragraph replaceFrom: aLoc to: (aLoc - 1) with: aSource asText displaying: true.
  self updateFromParagraph  !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextMorph>>insertCharactersAtEnd: (in category 'scripting access') -----
- insertCharactersAtEnd: aSource
- "Insert the characters from the given player at my current cursor position"
- | aLoc |
- aLoc _ text string size + 1.
- paragraph replaceFrom: aLoc to: (aLoc - 1) with: aSource asText displaying: true.
- self updateFromParagraph   !

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