Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Morphic-kfr.101.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-kfr.101
Author: kfr
Time: 11 February 2013, 7:41:57 pm
UUID: 726d69f4-031f-7047-9aa3-868a19a36c1c
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.100
Fixing issues with flexing FlapTabs
=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.99 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: InteriorFlapTab>>hideFlap (in category 'show & hide') -----
"Close the flap."
+ self privateDeleteReferent.
+ flapShowing := false.
+ self adjustPositionAfterHidingFlap!
- referent privateDelete.
- flapShowing _ false.
- self adjustPositionAfterHidingFlap
- !
Item was changed:
----- Method: InteriorFlapTab>>maybeHideFlapOnMouseLeaveDragging (in category 'show & hide') -----
"After the mouse leaves, having dragged something out, perhaps close the flap."
| aPasteUpMorph |
self hasHalo ifTrue: [^ self].
referent isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self].
(dragged or: [referent bounds containsPoint: self cursorPoint])
ifTrue: [^ self].
+ aPasteUpMorph := self pasteUpMorph.
+ self privateDeleteReferent. "could make me worldless if I'm inboard"
- aPasteUpMorph _ self pasteUpMorph.
- referent privateDelete. "could make me worldless if I'm inboard"
aPasteUpMorph ifNotNil: [aPasteUpMorph removeAccommodationForFlap: self].
+ flapShowing := false.
- flapShowing _ false.
self isInWorld ifFalse: [aPasteUpMorph ifNotNil: [aPasteUpMorph addMorphFront: self]].
self adjustPositionAfterHidingFlap!
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