Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Morphic-kfr.96.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Morphic-kfr.96 Author: kfr Time: 16 October 2012, 9:41:57 pm UUID: 4aa0f9ba-f157-be4f-b8c6-0f0da5403a76 Ancestors: Morphic-bf.95 localization: list of mathematical functions untranslateable or wrong strings used http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-1110 (Some other methods from I don't know where popped up here also) =============== Diff against Morphic-bf.95 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: InteriorSolidSugarSuppliesTab>>fitOnScreen (in category 'positioning') ----- fitOnScreen "19 sept 2000 - allow flaps in any paste up" | constrainer t l | constrainer _ owner ifNil: [self]. self flapShowing "otherwise no point in doing this" ifTrue:[self spanWorld]. self orientation == #vertical ifTrue: [ t _ ((self top min: (constrainer bottom- self height)) max: constrainer top). t = self top ifFalse: [self top: t]. ] ifFalse: [ l _ ((self left min: (constrainer right - self width)) max: constrainer left). l = self left ifFalse: [self left: l]. ]. self flapShowing ifFalse: [self positionObject: self atEdgeOf: constrainer]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: InteriorSolidSugarSuppliesTab>>showFlap (in category 'show & hide') ----- showFlap "Open the flap up" self height: (self valueOfProperty: #heightWHenOpen ifAbsent: [20]). super showFlap! Item was changed: ----- Method: InteriorSolidSugarSuppliesTab>>spanWorld (in category 'positioning') ----- spanWorld "Make the receiver's width commensurate with that of the container." super spanWorld. self width: self pasteUpMorph width! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardScriptingSystem>>tableOfNumericFunctions (in category 'utilities') ----- tableOfNumericFunctions "Answer an array of <external function name> <actual function to call> <help string> triplets." " English on tile selector English balloon help" ^ #( + ('abs' abs 'absolute value') + ('arcTan' arcTan 'angle, in radians, whose tangent is the argument') + ('cos' cos 'trigonometric cosine, argument in radians') + ('cube' cubed 'the argument times itself, times itself again') + ('cubeRoot ' cubeRoot 'cube root of the argument') + ('degreeArcTan' degreeArcTan 'angle, in degrees, whose tangent is the argument') + ('degreeCos' degreeCos 'trigonometric cosine, argument in degrees') + ('degreeSin' degreeSin 'trigonometric sine, argument in degrees') + ('degreeTan' degreeTan 'trigonometric tangent, argument in degrees') - (abs abs 'absolute value') - (arcTan arcTan 'angle, in radians, whose tangent is the argument') - (cos cos 'trigonometric cosine, argument in radians') - (cube cubed 'the argument times itself, times itself again') - (cubeRoot cubeRoot 'cube root of the argument') - (degreeArcTan degreeArcTan 'angle, in degrees, whose tangent is the argument') - (degreeCos degreeCos 'trigonometric cosine, argument in degrees') - (degreeSin degreeSin 'trigonometric sine, argument in degrees') - (degreeTan degreeTan 'trigonometric tangent, argument in degrees') + ('degreesToRadians' degreesToRadians 'the number of degrees equivalent to the argument which is assumed to be expressed in radians') + ('exp' exp 'exponential (e to the power of the argument)') + ('factorial' safeFactorial 'the product of all the whole numbers between 1 and the argument') + ('ln' safeLn 'natural logarithm') + ('log' safeLog 'logarithm, base 10') + ('negate' negated 'the negative of the argument') + ('radiansToDegrees' radiansToDegrees 'the number of radians equivalent to the argument, which is expressed in degrees.') + ('random' random 'a randomly chosen integer between 1 and the argument') + ('round' rounded 'the integer closest to the argument.') + ('sign' sign '1 if argument is positive, -1 if argument is negative, 0 if argument is zero.') + ('sin' sin 'trigonometric sine, argument in radians') + ('square' squared 'the argument multiplied by itself') + ('squareRoot' safeSquareRoot 'square root of the argument') + ('tan' tan 'trigonometric tangent, argument in radians') + ('truncate' truncated 'the integer nearest to the argument toward zero') - (degreesToRadians degreesToRadians 'the number of degrees equivalent to the argument which is assumed to be expressed in radians') - (exp exp 'exponential (e to the power of the argument)') - (factorial safeFactorial 'the product of all the whole numbers between 1 and the argument') - (ln safeLn 'natural logarithm') - (log safeLog 'logarithm, base 10') - (negate negated 'the negative of the argument') - (radiansToDegrees radiansToDegrees 'the number of radians equivalent to the argument, which is expressed in degrees.') - (random random 'a randomly chosen integer between 1 and the argument') - (round rounded 'the integer closest to the argument.') - (sign sign '1 if argument is positive, -1 if argument is negative, 0 if argument is zero.') - (sin sin 'trigonometric sine, argument in radians') - (square squared 'the argument multiplied by itself') - (squareRoot safeSquareRoot 'square root of the argument') - (tan tan 'trigonometric tangent, argument in radians') - (truncate truncated 'the integer nearest to the argument toward zero') ) translatedNoop " (raisedto raisedTo: 'raised to the power') "! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextualEventSequenceDisplayer>>mouseEventSequenceMorph: (in category 'initialization') ----- mouseEventSequenceMorph: aMorph "Set the mouseEventSequenceMorph, and hence build the receiver." | aString ptm | mouseEventSequenceMorph := aMorph. self hResizing: #shrinkWrap. self vResizing: #shrinkWrap. aString := String streamContents: [:aStream | aMorph events do: [:evt | aStream nextPutAll: evt printString. aStream cr]]. ptm := PluggableTextMorph new. ptm borderWidth: 2. ptm extent: 400 @ 100. ptm setBalloonText: 'Each line represents an event in the event sequence I represent' translated. ptm color: (Color r: 0.806 g: 1.0 b: 1.0). ptm editString: aString. ptm retractable: false; scrollBarOnLeft: false. ptm borderWidth: 2. ptm borderColor: ptm color muchDarker; cornerStyle: #rounded. self addMorphCentered: ptm! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextualEventSequenceDisplayer>>setExtentFromHalo: (in category 'resizing') ----- setExtentFromHalo: anExtent "The user has dragged the grow box such that the receiver's extent would be anExtent. Do what's needed." submorphs first setExtentFromHalo: anExtent! _______________________________________________ etoys-dev mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.squeakland.org/mailman/listinfo/etoys-dev |
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