Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Morphic-kfr.99.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-kfr.99
Author: kfr
Time: 5 December 2012, 2:36:50 pm
UUID: 797a26d6-9766-5e40-89e6-5b6bf0878dc5
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.98
Small fix for hue filter
=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.98 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SketchMorph>>hueShift:form: (in category 'filters') -----
hueShift: aShift form: filteredForm
| f fOut shift |
aShift = 0 ifTrue:[^ filteredForm].
+ shift := aShift min: 360 max: -360.
- shift := aShift min: 180 max: -180.
f := filteredForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
fOut := f deepCopy.
primShiftHue: f bits
into: fOut bits
byDegrees: shift.
^ fOut asFormOfDepth: 16!
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