Etoys: Movies-kfr.2.mcz

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Etoys: Movies-kfr.2.mcz

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Movies to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Movies-kfr.2
Author: kfr
Time: 20 May 2011, 9:30:31 pm
UUID: 63c9530b-1468-6543-9dc4-41875e662331
Ancestors: Movies-bf.1

Fix file dialog if movie file is missing in movie player

=============== Diff against Movies-bf.1 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MPEGDisplayMorph>>startPlaying (in category 'commands') -----
  "Start playing the movie at the current position."
  | frameIndex |
  self stopPlaying.
  stopFrame _ nil.
  self mpegFileIsOpen ifFalse: [^ self].
+ (FileStream isAFileNamed: mpegFile fileName) ifFalse: [
- (FileStream isAFileNamed: mpegFile fileName) ifFalse: [ | newFileResult newFileName |
  self inform: 'Path changed. Enter new one for: ' translated, (FileDirectory localNameFor: mpegFile fileName).
+ self openMPEGFile.
+ (self openFileNamed: (mpegFile fileName)) ifFalse:[ ^self inform:'No valid file selected' translated]
+ ].
- newFileResult _ StandardFileMenu oldFile.
- newFileName _ newFileResult directory fullNameFor: newFileResult name.
- mpegFile openFile: newFileName].
  mpegFile hasAudio
  [mpegFile hasVideo ifTrue:
  ["set movie frame position from soundTrack position"
  soundTrack reset.  "ensure file is open before positioning"
  soundTrack soundPosition: (mpegFile videoGetFrame: 0) asFloat / (mpegFile videoFrames: 0).
  "now set frame index from the soundtrack position for best sync"
  frameIndex _ ((soundTrack millisecondsSinceStart * desiredFrameRate) // 1000).
  frameIndex _ (frameIndex max: 0) min: ((mpegFile videoFrames: 0) - 3).
  mpegFile videoSetFrame: frameIndex stream: 0].
  SoundPlayer stopReverb.
  soundTrack volume: volume.
  soundTrack repeat: repeat.
  soundTrack resumePlaying.
  startFrame _ startMSecs _ 0]
  [soundTrack _ nil.
  startFrame _ mpegFile videoGetFrame: 0.
  startMSecs _ Time millisecondClockValue].
+ running _  true!
- running _ true!

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