Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Movies to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Movies-kfr.4.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Movies-kfr.4 Author: kfr Time: 2 June 2011, 1:21:04 pm UUID: 964a20be-32ec-6047-9114-ee4e9bffa31a Ancestors: Movies-kfr.3 Try to play example videos across project saves and moves =============== Diff against Movies-kfr.3 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MPEGDisplayMorph>>mpegFileIsOpen (in category 'file open/close') ----- mpegFileIsOpen - "Answer true if I have an open, valid MPEG file handle. If the - handle is not valid, try to re-open the file." - | fileName | mpegFile ifNil: [^ false]. mpegFile fileHandle + ifNil: [^ false]. - ifNil: ["try to reopen the file, which may have been saved in a - snapshot " - fileName := mpegFile fileName. - self openFileNamed: mpegFile fileName. - mpegFile - ifNil: [self inform: 'Path changed. Enter new one for: ' translated - , fileName. - self openMPEGFile. mpegFile ifNil:[^false]]. - mpegFile fileHandle - ifNil: [mpegFile := nil]]. ^ mpegFile notNil! Item was added: + ----- Method: MPEGDisplayMorph>>openExampleEtoysFile (in category 'file open/close') ----- + openExampleEtoysFile + + | fullFileName fileName slash newFullFileName | + fullFileName := mpegFile fileName. + (fullFileName occurrencesOf: $/) > (fullFileName occurrencesOf: $\) + ifTrue:[ slash := $/] + ifFalse:[ slash := $\]. + fileName := mpegFile fileName copyAfterLast: slash. + newFullFileName := Smalltalk imagePath, FileDirectory slash, 'ExampleEtoys', FileDirectory slash, fileName. + self openFileNamed: newFullFileName + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MPEGDisplayMorph>>startPlaying (in category 'commands') ----- startPlaying + | frameIndex fileName | + fileName := mpegFile fileName. - "Start playing the movie at the current position." - - | frameIndex | self stopPlaying. + stopFrame := nil. + self mpegFileIsOpen + ifFalse: [self openFileNamed: mpegFile fileName. + mpegFile + ifNil: [self inform: 'Path changed. Enter new one for: ' translated , fileName. + self openMPEGFile. + mpegFile + ifNil: [^ self]]. + mpegFile fileHandle + ifNil: [mpegFile := nil]]. - stopFrame _ nil. - self mpegFileIsOpen ifFalse: [^ self]. - - - mpegFile hasAudio + ifTrue: [mpegFile hasVideo + ifTrue: [soundTrack reset. + soundTrack soundPosition: (mpegFile videoGetFrame: 0) asFloat + / (mpegFile videoFrames: 0). + frameIndex := soundTrack millisecondsSinceStart * desiredFrameRate // 1000. + frameIndex := (frameIndex max: 0) + min: (mpegFile videoFrames: 0) + - 3. + mpegFile videoSetFrame: frameIndex stream: 0]. - ifTrue: - [mpegFile hasVideo ifTrue: - ["set movie frame position from soundTrack position" - soundTrack reset. "ensure file is open before positioning" - soundTrack soundPosition: (mpegFile videoGetFrame: 0) asFloat / (mpegFile videoFrames: 0). - "now set frame index from the soundtrack position for best sync" - frameIndex _ ((soundTrack millisecondsSinceStart * desiredFrameRate) // 1000). - frameIndex _ (frameIndex max: 0) min: ((mpegFile videoFrames: 0) - 3). - mpegFile videoSetFrame: frameIndex stream: 0]. - SoundPlayer stopReverb. soundTrack volume: volume. soundTrack repeat: repeat. soundTrack resumePlaying. + startFrame := startMSecs := 0] + ifFalse: [soundTrack := nil. + startFrame := mpegFile videoGetFrame: 0. + startMSecs := Time millisecondClockValue]. + running := true! - startFrame _ startMSecs _ 0] - ifFalse: - [soundTrack _ nil. - startFrame _ mpegFile videoGetFrame: 0. - startMSecs _ Time millisecondClockValue]. - running _ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: MPEGDisplayMorph>>startPlayingEtoysExample (in category 'commands') ----- + startPlayingEtoysExample + self openExampleEtoysFile. + self startPlaying + ! _______________________________________________ etoys-dev mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.squeakland.org/mailman/listinfo/etoys-dev |
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