Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project Etoys: Summary ====================
Name: Multilingual-bf.24
Author: bf
Time: 9 March 2012, 6:02:27 pm
UUID: f3b4a6c8-0ae4-4e5c-a763-7b56ae334522
Ancestors: Multilingual-bf.23
- fix keyboard up/down interpreter logic
=============== Diff against Multilingual-bf.23 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardInputInterpreter>>keycodeFor: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ keycodeFor: anInteger
+ "interpret the key from an up/down event, if necessary"
+ ^ anInteger!
Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardInputInterpreter>>nextCharFrom:firstEvt: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
nextCharFrom: sensor firstEvt: evtBuf
+ "generate character for a keystroke event"
self subclassResponsibility.
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MacUnicodeInputInterpreter>>keycodeFor: (in category 'keyboard') -----
+ keycodeFor: anInteger
+ "interpret the key from an up/down event, if necessary"
+ ^ self virtualKeycodeToSqueak: anInteger!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MacUnicodeInputInterpreter>>nextCharFrom:firstEvt: (in category 'keyboard') -----
nextCharFrom: sensor firstEvt: evtBuf
| keyValue mark |
+ keyValue := evtBuf at: self keyValueIndex.
- keyValue := evtBuf fourth = EventKeyChar
- ifTrue: [evtBuf at: self keyValueIndex]
- ifFalse: [self virtualKeycodeToSqueak: (evtBuf at: 3)].
mark := self japaneseSpecialMark: keyValue.
mark notNil
ifTrue: [^ mark].
keyValue < 256
ifTrue: [^ (Character value: keyValue) squeakToIso].
"Smalltalk systemLanguage charsetClass charFromUnicode: keyValue."
^ Unicode value: keyValue!
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