Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Multilingual-kfr.18.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Multilingual-kfr.18
Author: kfr
Time: 18 May 2011, 9:33:14 pm
UUID: b4a61c0e-aeff-ab43-86ff-2012e257f1e6
Ancestors: Multilingual-kfr.17
MultiTTCFont cache does not initialized
http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-877=============== Diff against Multilingual-kfr.17 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiTTCFont>>foregroundColor: (in category 'all') -----
+ foregroundColor: fgColor
+ "Install the given foreground color"
+ foregroundColor := fgColor.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MultiTTCFont>>formOf: (in category 'all') -----
formOf: char
| newForm |
+ cache ifNil: [ self recreateCache ].
+ foregroundColor ifNil: [ self foregroundColor: Color black ].
self hasCached: char ifTrue: [:form |
^ form.
newForm _ self computeForm: char.
self at: char put: newForm.
^ newForm.
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