Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Protocols to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Protocols-kfr.11.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Protocols-kfr.11 Author: kfr Time: 17 March 2012, 11:33:56 am UUID: bbd05903-3e14-f742-82b6-1accb21a75f0 Ancestors: Protocols-kfr.10 Unlike all other vocabularies, the DateFormat vocabulary was getting added to the system's vocabulary-list by a class-initialize method of CalendarMorph, and this meant that it got lost whenever the list is rebuilt, e.g. via 'Vocabulary initialize'. =============== Diff against Protocols-kfr.10 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Vocabulary class>>initializeStandardVocabularies (in category 'class initialization') ----- initializeStandardVocabularies "Initialize a few standard vocabularies and place them in the AllStandardVocabularies list." AllStandardVocabularies _ nil. self addStandardVocabulary: EToyVocabulary new. self addStandardVocabulary: EToyVectorVocabulary new. self addStandardVocabulary: self newPublicVocabulary. self addStandardVocabulary: FullVocabulary new. self addStandardVocabulary: self newQuadVocabulary. self addStandardVocabulary: ColorType new. self addStandardVocabulary: BooleanType new. self addStandardVocabulary: GraphicType new. self addStandardVocabulary: PlayerType new. self addStandardVocabulary: SoundType new. self addStandardVocabulary: StringType new. self addStandardVocabulary: MenuType new. self addStandardVocabulary: UnknownType new. self addStandardVocabulary: ScriptNameType new. self addStandardVocabulary: PointType new. #('simple' 'raised' 'inset' 'complex framed' 'complex raised' 'complex inset' 'complex alt framed' 'complex alt raised' 'complex alt inset') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(simple raised inset complexFramed complexRaised complexInset complexAltFramed complexAltRaised complexAltInset); vocabularyName: #BorderStyle; yourself). #('lines' 'arrows' 'arrowheads' 'dots') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(lines arrows arrowheads dots); vocabularyName: #TrailStyle; yourself). #('left to right' 'right to left' 'top to bottom' 'bottom to top') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(leftToRight rightToLeft topToBottom bottomToTop); vocabularyName: #ListDirection; yourself). #('top left' 'bottom right' 'center' 'justified') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(topLeft bottomRight center justified); vocabularyName: #ListCentering; yourself). #('center' 'top left' 'top right' 'bottom left' 'bottom right' 'top center' 'left center' 'right center' 'bottom center') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(center topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight topCenter leftCenter rightCenter bottomCenter ); vocabularyName: #CellPositioning; yourself). #('none' 'local rect' 'local square' 'global rect' 'global square') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(none localRect localSquare globalRect globalSquare); vocabularyName: #CellSpacing; yourself). #('button down' 'while pressed' 'button up') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(buttonDown whilePressed buttonUp); vocabularyName: #ButtonPhase; yourself). #('rotate' 'do not rotate' 'flip left right' 'flip up down') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(rotate #'do not rotate' #'flip left right' #'flip up down'); vocabularyName: #RotationStyle; yourself). #('rigid' 'space fill' 'shrink wrap') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(rigid spaceFill shrinkWrap); vocabularyName: #Resizing; yourself). self addStandardVocabulary: self newSystemVocabulary. "A custom vocabulary for Smalltalk -- still under development)" self numberVocabulary. "creates and adds it" self wonderlandVocabulary. "creates and adds it" self vocabularyForClass: Time. "creates and adds it" self addStandardVocabulary: (KedamaPatchType new vocabularyName: #Patch; yourself). #('wrap' 'stick' 'bouncing') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(wrap stick bouncing); vocabularyName: #EdgeMode; yourself). #('log scale' 'linear' 'color') translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(logScale linear color); vocabularyName: #PatchDisplayMode; yourself). #('left' 'right' 'top' 'bottom' 'top left' 'top right' 'bottom left' 'bottom right' center) translatedNoop. self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(top #'top right' right #'bottom right' bottom #'bottom left' left #'top left' center); vocabularyName: #AttachmentEdge; yourself). + CalendarMorph assureDateFormatEstablished. + "Vocabulary initialize"! _______________________________________________ etoys-dev mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.squeakland.org/mailman/listinfo/etoys-dev |
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