Etoys: ReleaseBuilder-bf.13.mcz

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Etoys: ReleaseBuilder-bf.13.mcz

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of ReleaseBuilder to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ReleaseBuilder-bf.13
Author: bf
Time: 26 March 2012, 3:48:42 pm
UUID: aade51e2-93f1-42be-8602-bc0d82e0181a
Ancestors: ReleaseBuilder-bf.12

Update copyright check

=============== Diff against ReleaseBuilder-bf.12 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ReleaseBuilderSqueakland>>checkCopyright (in category 'utilities') -----
  | inNotice inImage inFile dir |
  dir := FileDirectory on: Smalltalk imagePath.
  [inFile := (dir readOnlyFileNamed: 'NOTICE') wantsLineEndConversion: true; contentsOfEntireFile]
  on: FileDoesNotExistException do: [:ex |
  dir = FileDirectory default
  ifTrue: [dir := dir containingDirectory. ex retry]
  ifFalse: [self error: 'NOTICE file not found']].
  inFile = Utilities copyrightNotice ifFalse: [self error: 'NOTICE file does not match image'].
  inNotice := ((Utilities copyrightNotice findTokens: Character cr)
  select: [:s | s includesSubString: '(c)'])
  collect: [:s | s withBlanksTrimmed].
+ inNotice := inNotice atAll: #(1 4 5).
+ inImage := Smalltalk copyright findTokens: Character cr.
- inNotice := {inNotice first. inNotice last}.
- inImage := (Smalltalk copyright findTokens: Character cr) asArray.
  inNotice = inImage ifFalse: [self error: 'Copyright declarations do not match'].!

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