"Fernando" <
[hidden email]> wrote...
> I'm aware of this solution, but I was looking forward to use the
> shorter #() syntax. Is it possible?
You may want to try something similar to the following:
!Object methodsFor!
|| anObject
^OrderedCollection with: self with: anObject! !
!OrderedCollection methodsFor!
|| anObject
addLast: anObject;
yourself! !
With these two methods installed, you can enter
firstnamePresenter model || surnamePresenter model
...which gives you an OrderedCollection, so you may want to say
(firstnamePresenter model || surnamePresenter model) asArray
I originally implemented these as part of a collection-based Excel interface
(hence the double vertical bar, which I chose to suggest a cell divider), but
found them useful elsewhere too.
Best regards,
John Aspinall
Solutions Software