EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation - crash / UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand:

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EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation - crash / UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand:


in this method we get sometimes this walkback.

UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand: receiver = nil arg1 = Message (#detect:ifNone:, ([] in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation [] in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation)) EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession EwDragAndDropSession>>#dragOver receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession EwDragAndDropSession>>#dragMotion receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession

it seems, that " self sourceVote " will be nil and we have to add " ifNotNil: [ ... ] ifNil: [ XmILLEGAL. ]. "

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Re: EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation - crash / UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand:

Seth Berman
Thanks Norbert,

I agree with the change.
Opened Case 63957: Walkback causes by sourceVote being nil in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation
which we will get fixed

- Seth

On Monday, August 20, 2018 at 6:13:41 AM UTC-4, Norbert Schlemmer wrote:

in this method we get sometimes this walkback.

UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand: receiver = nil arg1 = Message (#detect:ifNone:, ([] in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation [] in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation)) EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession EwDragAndDropSession>>#dragOver receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession EwDragAndDropSession>>#dragMotion receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession

it seems, that " self sourceVote " will be nil and we have to add " ifNotNil: [ ... ] ifNil: [ XmILLEGAL. ]. "

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Re: EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation - crash / UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand:


Am Mittwoch, 22. August 2018 22:21:46 UTC+2 schrieb Seth Berman:
Thanks Norbert,

I agree with the change.
Opened Case 63957: Walkback causes by sourceVote being nil in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation
which we will get fixed

- Seth

On Monday, August 20, 2018 at 6:13:41 AM UTC-4, Norbert Schlemmer wrote:

in this method we get sometimes this walkback.

UndefinedObject(Object)>>#doesNotUnderstand: receiver = nil arg1 = Message (#detect:ifNone:, ([] in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation [] in EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation)) EwDragAndDropSession>>#calculateOperation receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession EwDragAndDropSession>>#dragOver receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession EwDragAndDropSession>>#dragMotion receiver = an EwDragAndDropSession

it seems, that " self sourceVote " will be nil and we have to add " ifNotNil: [ ... ] ifNil: [ XmILLEGAL. ]. "

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