Example code to shutdown / reboot a NT/2k system?

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Example code to shutdown / reboot a NT/2k system?

Jerome Chan
Does anyone have any sample dolphin smalltalk code that would shutdown
or reboot an NT/2k system? I'm trying to convert some sample C code from
MSDN that does this into dolphin smalltalk and am having the Dickens of
a time, especially with the Token and Luid structure things!

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Re: Example code to shutdown / reboot a NT/2k system?

Chris Uppal-3
Jerome Chan wrote:
> Does anyone have any sample dolphin smalltalk code that would shutdown
> or reboot an NT/2k system? I'm trying to convert some sample C code from
> MSDN that does

If you've already got C code that works then why not just package it as an
.EXE and execute that ?

Or you could make a DLL an call it from Dolphin.

    -- chris