Do you know of some good examples of code that is unreadable because of the bad and inconsistent naming?
I want to show some motivating example in my thesis about the aspects of software naturalness through the generation of identifier names.
I'm sure that Pharo has many bad code inside, but this has to be something
1. From the real project written by experienced developers or a nice community (not some toy example or a code of bad developers)
2. With identifier names so bad that 2-3 chunks of code are enough to demonstrate how incomprehensible this code is.
I need it to prove the point that
1. Bad naming can really harm the readability
2. Bad naming is not just a result of carelessness and lack of experience. Bad names often appear in successful projects and are introduced by experienced developers as a result of software evolution (many people write and rewrite the same code many times introducing inconsistencies and failing to understand each other's intentions and different parts of the system).
Do you know some good examples of bad code from PolyMath, Seaside, Moose etc.?