Exception>>#exit: causes image to freeze

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Exception>>#exit: causes image to freeze

David Gorisek-5
Hello all,

I notice a minor bug in 5.1, the workaround is simple but anyway here it is:

The following code will block Dolphin 5.1 process with 100% CPU utilization.

| fileStream |
[fileStream := FileStream read: 'non-existing file'] on: Error do: [:ex | ex
exit: 'my result'].

This worked without problems on Dolphin 5.0.

Best regards,

David Gorisek

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Re: Exception>>#exit: causes image to freeze

Blair McGlashan-2

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> Hello all,
> I notice a minor bug in 5.1, the workaround is simple but anyway here it
> The following code will block Dolphin 5.1 process with 100% CPU
> | fileStream |
> [fileStream := FileStream read: 'non-existing file'] on: Error do: [:ex |
> exit: 'my result'].
> This worked without problems on Dolphin 5.0.

This isn't a bug, but a consequence of enhancement #1210 (see the release
notes). In summary FileExceptions resulting from failed file opens are now
resumable, and when resumed the file open is retried. Since the non-standard
Exception>>exit: message will resume a resumable error, and not exit from
the handler block, the expression above will loop infinitely. To be certain
of returning from the handler block use the ANSI standard #return: message.



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Re: Exception>>#exit: causes image to freeze

David Gorisek-5

thanks for clarifying this. BTW: what is the difference between:

result := [FileStream read: 'something'] on: Error do: [:ex | ].


result := [FileStream read: 'something'] on: Error do: [:ex | ex return:

Both seem to work the same way.

Best regards,


"Blair McGlashan" <blair@no spam object-arts.com> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> David
> You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I notice a minor bug in 5.1, the workaround is simple but anyway here it
> is:
> >
> > The following code will block Dolphin 5.1 process with 100% CPU
> utilization.
> >
> > | fileStream |
> > [fileStream := FileStream read: 'non-existing file'] on: Error do: [:ex
> ex
> > exit: 'my result'].
> >
> > This worked without problems on Dolphin 5.0.
> This isn't a bug, but a consequence of enhancement #1210 (see the release
> notes). In summary FileExceptions resulting from failed file opens are now
> resumable, and when resumed the file open is retried. Since the
> Exception>>exit: message will resume a resumable error, and not exit from
> the handler block, the expression above will loop infinitely. To be
> of returning from the handler block use the ANSI standard #return:
> Regards
> Blair

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Re: Exception>>#exit: causes image to freeze

Blair McGlashan-2

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...

> Blair,
> thanks for clarifying this. BTW: what is the difference between:
> result := [FileStream read: 'something'] on: Error do: [:ex | ].
> and:
> result := [FileStream read: 'something'] on: Error do: [:ex | ex return:
> nil].
> Both seem to work the same way.

There is no difference. A comment at the end of
Exception>>_evaluateHandler:in: explains all:

    "If the user supplied exception handling block terminates by dropping
off its end,
    without specifying a particular action, then we default to continuing
    immediately after the try block, even if the exception is resumable.
This change
    for compatibility with latest X3J20 proposal, Sept. 96, BSM."

    ^anExceptionHandler return: answer.

"answer" will be whatever the exception handler block evaluates to if it
doesn't explicitly invoke a handler response.

