i downloaded yesterday the latest Pharo 7 and in a playground if you do:
class := Object newAnonymousSubclass. (OK)
class package. "a RPackage(_UnpackagedPackage)" (OK)
class compile: 'test ^nil'. (OK)
(class >> #test) package. "nil" (Surprising but no problem with any pharo version since yesterday)
class removeSelector: #test. (Exception, see below)
An exception is raised in IceSystemEventListener class because the method package is nil:
handlePackagesChange: packages
IceRepository registry do: [ :repository | | changed |
changed := packages anySatisfy: [ :each |
repository notifyPackageModified: each name ]. "(each is nil here)"
changed ifTrue: [
Iceberg announcer announce: (IceRepositoryModified for: repository) ]]
So to fix it, the package needs to be correctly set for each method compiled in an anonymous class, but should anonymous subclasses really raise events when adding/modifying/removing methods?