Execution a simple "cp command ...

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Execution a simple "cp command ...

GLASS mailing list
... seems to e pretty difficult ...

I tried stuff like:

GsHostProcess>>mskCopyFile: source to: target
        | aGsHostProcess output aWriteStream  |

        aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
                nextPutAll: '/bin/bash -c ' ;
                nextPut: $' ;
                nextPutAll: 'cp ' ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                nextPutAll: source asString ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                space ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                nextPutAll: target asString ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                nextPut: $' .

        Transcript cr ; show: aWriteStream contents.

        aGsHostProcess := GsHostProcess fork: aWriteStream contents.

When executing stuff like

    mskCopyFile:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt'
    to:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt'

the following command is printed on the Transcript:

/bin/bash -c 'cp "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt"

executing it in a real shell: everything is ok.

So: anyone telling me, how a simple "cp"  can be executed under Gemstone ...


Marten Feldtmann
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Execution a simple "cp command ...

GLASS mailing list
Can't you use:

System performOnServer: 'cp /hola.txt /bye.txt'


On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 4:12 PM, [hidden email] via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
... seems to e pretty difficult ...

I tried stuff like:

GsHostProcess>>mskCopyFile: source to: target
        | aGsHostProcess output aWriteStream  |

        aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
                nextPutAll: '/bin/bash -c ' ;
                nextPut: $' ;
                nextPutAll: 'cp ' ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                nextPutAll: source asString ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                space ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                nextPutAll: target asString ;
                nextPut: $" ;
                nextPut: $' .

        Transcript cr ; show: aWriteStream contents.

        aGsHostProcess := GsHostProcess fork: aWriteStream contents.

When executing stuff like

    mskCopyFile:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt'
    to:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt'

the following command is printed on the Transcript:

/bin/bash -c 'cp "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt"

executing it in a real shell: everything is ok.

So: anyone telling me, how a simple "cp"  can be executed under Gemstone ...


Marten Feldtmann
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]


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Re: Execution a simple "cp command ...

GLASS mailing list
Yes, that could be done ... but why does the other stuff not work or
better: how is it used ?


Am 11.06.2015 um 21:21 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:

> Can't you use:
> System performOnServer: 'cp /hola.txt /bye.txt'
> ?
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 4:12 PM, [hidden email]
> <mailto:[hidden email]> via Glass
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>>
> wrote:
>     ... seems to e pretty difficult ...
>     I tried stuff like:
>     GsHostProcess>>mskCopyFile: source to: target
>             | aGsHostProcess output aWriteStream  |
>             aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
>             aWriteStream
>                     nextPutAll: '/bin/bash -c ' ;
>                     nextPut: $' ;
>                     nextPutAll: 'cp ' ;
>                     nextPut: $" ;
>                     nextPutAll: source asString ;
>                     nextPut: $" ;
>                     space ;
>                     nextPut: $" ;
>                     nextPutAll: target asString ;
>                     nextPut: $" ;
>                     nextPut: $' .
>             Transcript cr ; show: aWriteStream contents.
>             aGsHostProcess := GsHostProcess fork: aWriteStream contents.
>             ....
>     When executing stuff like
>       GsHostProcess
>         mskCopyFile:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt'
>         to:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt'
>     the following command is printed on the Transcript:
>     /bin/bash -c 'cp "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt"
>     "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt"'
>     executing it in a real shell: everything is ok.
>     So: anyone telling me, how a simple "cp"  can be executed under
>     Gemstone ...
>     Marten
>     --
>     Marten Feldtmann
>     _______________________________________________
>     Glass mailing list
>     [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>     http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

Marten Feldtmann
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Execution a simple "cp command ...

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

At first blush, I agree that this should work ... checking with others
in engineering to get the real skinny on GsHostProcess ...


On 06/11/2015 12:12 PM, [hidden email] via Glass wrote:

> ... seems to e pretty difficult ...
> I tried stuff like:
> GsHostProcess>>mskCopyFile: source to: target
> | aGsHostProcess output aWriteStream  |
> aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
> aWriteStream
> nextPutAll: '/bin/bash -c ' ;
> nextPut: $' ;
> nextPutAll: 'cp ' ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> nextPutAll: source asString ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> space ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> nextPutAll: target asString ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> nextPut: $' .
> Transcript cr ; show: aWriteStream contents.
> aGsHostProcess := GsHostProcess fork: aWriteStream contents.
>          ....
> When executing stuff like
>    GsHostProcess
>      mskCopyFile:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt'
>      to:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt'
> the following command is printed on the Transcript:
> /bin/bash -c 'cp "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt"
> "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt"'
> executing it in a real shell: everything is ok.
> So: anyone telling me, how a simple "cp"  can be executed under Gemstone ...
> Marten

Glass mailing list
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Re: Execution a simple "cp command ...

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
Hi Marten,

It turns out that GsHostProcess does not handle single quoted strings quite right. We have reported this internally as bug #45386. The work-around is to reverse your use of single and double quotes:

        | aGsHostProcess output aWriteStream source target command |
        source := '/foo/bar.1'.
        target := '/foo/bar.2'.
        aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
           nextPutAll: '/bin/bash -c "cp ''' ;
           nextPutAll: source asString ;
           nextPutAll: ''' ''';
           nextPutAll: target asString ;
           nextPutAll: '''"' .
        command := aWriteStream contents.
        aGsHostProcess := GsHostProcess fork: command.

        aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
        (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
                nextPutAll: 'original command is '; lf; tab;
                nextPutAll: command; lf;
                nextPutAll: 'childHasExited is ';
                nextPutAll: aGsHostProcess childHasExited printString; lf;
                nextPutAll: 'childStatus is ';
                nextPutAll: aGsHostProcess childStatus printString; lf;
                nextPutAll: 'commandLine is '; lf; tab;
                nextPutAll: aGsHostProcess commandLine; lf;
                nextPutAll: 'processId is ';
                nextPutAll: aGsHostProcess processId printString; lf;
                nextPutAll: 'stderr is '; lf; tab;
                nextPutAll: (aGsHostProcess stderr readWillNotBlock
                        ifTrue: [aGsHostProcess stderr readString: 1024]
                        ifFalse: ['']); lf;
                nextPutAll: 'stdout is '; lf; tab;
                nextPutAll: (aGsHostProcess stdout readWillNotBlock
                        ifTrue: [aGsHostProcess stdout readString: 1024]
                        ifFalse: ['']); lf;
        aWriteStream contents.

        original command is
                /bin/bash -c "cp '/foo/bar.1' '/foo/bar.2'"
        childHasExited is true
        childStatus is 127
        commandLine is
                /bin/bash -c "cp '/foo/bar.1' '/foo/bar.2'"
        processId is nil
        stderr is
                /bin/bash: cp '/foo/bar.1' '/foo/bar.2': No such file or directory

        stdout is

See if this works for you.


> On Jun 11, 2015, at 12:12 PM, [hidden email] via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
> ... seems to e pretty difficult ...
> I tried stuff like:
> GsHostProcess>>mskCopyFile: source to: target
> | aGsHostProcess output aWriteStream  |
> aWriteStream := WriteStream on: String new.
> aWriteStream
> nextPutAll: '/bin/bash -c ' ;
> nextPut: $' ;
> nextPutAll: 'cp ' ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> nextPutAll: source asString ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> space ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> nextPutAll: target asString ;
> nextPut: $" ;
> nextPut: $' .
> Transcript cr ; show: aWriteStream contents.
> aGsHostProcess := GsHostProcess fork: aWriteStream contents.
>        ....
> When executing stuff like
>  GsHostProcess
>    mskCopyFile:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt'
>    to:  '/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt'
> the following command is printed on the Transcript:
> /bin/bash -c 'cp "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test.txt"
> "/var/www/fileswebcati/customers/test2.txt"'
> executing it in a real shell: everything is ok.
> So: anyone telling me, how a simple "cp"  can be executed under Gemstone ...
> Marten
> --
> Marten Feldtmann
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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