Exit due to error: 12 - Not enough memory

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Exit due to error: 12 - Not enough memory

ravinder phogat
I am using VAST5.0 and I have a 2012 server where multiple instances of my Smalltalk application are running, I am getting Exit due to error: 12 - Not enough memory error for only one instance. Any thought how can I can fix it?

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Re: Exit due to error: 12 - Not enough memory

Richard Sargent
On Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 8:46:51 AM UTC-8, ravinder phogat wrote:
I am using VAST5.0 and I have a 2012 server where multiple instances of my Smalltalk application are running, I am getting Exit due to error: 12 - Not enough memory error for only one instance. Any thought how can I can fix it?

Did it yield a stack dump (walkback.log or something like it)? Check for files created at the time of the error/exit.

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