I'm trying to make a visualization for medicine information and the idea
is to visualize it following a similar pattern to what is shown at [1],
but in this case, each arc is a medicine and each layer inside the arc
is a published property information of that medicine. Because of that,
seems that the best approach is to use a matrix, containing in the rows
the properties for each medicine and in the columns the medicine.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2012/may/08/gay-rights-united-statesI can produce such matrix with dummy data, but when I try to explore it
using sunburst I'm not getting the proper visualization (look the
attachment). That's because sunburst uses hierarchy and recursion to
pass from the inner circles to the outer ones. So my question is: how
can I use sunburst to explore a matrix, being the inner circles the
first row, the second, the second row and so on.