"External module not found" while loading metacello project

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"External module not found" while loading metacello project


I am getting the error "External module not found" while trying to load a metacello project.
I am running the latest 32 bits pharo 6 image and vm available with zeroconf script.
The concerned external module seems to be "libgit" (self ffiCall: #(int git_libgit2_init()))
But the plugin seems to be available within the vm folder:

Images intégrées 1

The issue can be reproduced with any metacello project.
For example, from the catalog, you can load the configuration of VoyageMongo.
Then inspect:

Metacello new
configuration: 'VoyageMongo';
version: #development;

I am able to collect to following information using the System reporter:

Latest update: #60535

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b0e-ecd3-4adf-b092-cce2e2587a5c Jul 20 2017
VM: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Thu Jul 20 12:42:21 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $

Mac OS X built on Jul 20 2017 21:45:23 UTC Compiler: 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)
VMMaker versionString VM: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Thu Jul 20 12:42:21 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b0e-ecd3-4adf-b092-cce2e2587a5c Jul 20 2017

Virtual Machine Commandline Options

Loaded VM Modules
AioPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin-eem.18 (i)
B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 (i)
BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
FT2Plugin Freetype-Plugin-EstebanLorenzano.70 (e)
FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-nice.2233 (i)
FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
JPEGReadWriter2Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (e)
LargeIntegers v2.0 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
LocalePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (e)
Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
SecurityPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2166 (i)
SocketPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
SurfacePlugin Jul 20 2017 (e)
UnixOSProcessPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-dtl.56 (i)
ZipPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)

VM Built-in Modules
ADPCMCodecPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
AioPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin-eem.18 (i)
AsynchFilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2030 (i)
B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 (i)
BMPReadWriterPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
DSAPrims CryptographyPlugins-eem.12 (i)
DropPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
FFTPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-nice.2233 (i)
FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
GeniePlugin v2.0 15 June 2017 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
HostWindowPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
IA32ABI VMMaker.oscog-eem.2156 (i)
LargeIntegers v2.0 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
SecurityPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2166 (i)
SocketPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
SoundCodecPrims VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
SoundGenerationPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
SoundPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2218 (i)
StarSqueakPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
UnixOSProcessPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-dtl.56 (i)
VMProfileMacSupportPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
ZipPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)

Virtual Machine Parameters
#1 417575824 end (v3)/size(Spur) of old-space (0-based, read-only)
#2 2457904 end (v3)/size(Spur) of young/new-space (read-only)
#3 422576128 end (v3)/size(Spur) of heap (read-only)
#4 nil nil (was allocationCount (read-only))
#5 nil nil (was allocations between GCs (read-write)
#6 0 survivor count tenuring threshold (read-write)
#7 1 full GCs since startup (read-only)
#8 1103 total milliseconds in full GCs since startup (read-only)
#9 906 incremental GCs (SqueakV3) or scavenges (Spur) since startup (read-only)
#10 537 total milliseconds in incremental GCs (SqueakV3) or scavenges (Spur) since startup (read-only)
#11 745995 tenures of surving objects since startup (read-only)
#12 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#13 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#14 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#15 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#16 431742214 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#17 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#18 436 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#19 2936531 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#20 3697347243026912 utc microseconds at VM start-up (actually at time initialization, which precedes image load).
#21 322 root table size (read-only)
#22 0 root table overflows since startup (read-only)
#23 0 bytes of extra memory to reserve for VM buffers, plugins, etc (stored in image file header).
#24 33554432 memory threshold above which shrinking object memory (rw)
#25 16777216 memory headroom when growing object memory (rw)
#26 2 interruptChecksEveryNms - force an ioProcessEvents every N milliseconds (rw) 27 number of times mark loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) includes ALL marking
#28 0 number of times sweep loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#29 0 number of times make forward loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) 30 number of times compact move loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#31 3 number of grow memory requests (read-only)
#32 1 number of shrink memory requests (read-only)
#33 316 number of root table entries used for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#34 2683771912 number of allocations done before current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#35 3227 number of survivor objects after current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#36 454659763 millisecond clock when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)
#37 0 number of marked objects for Roots of the world, not including Root Table entries for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#38 0 milliseconds taken by current IGC (read-only)
#39 0 Number of finalization signals for Weak Objects pending when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)
#40 4 BytesPerOop for this image
#41 6521 imageFormatVersion for the VM
#42 50 number of stack pages in use
#43 0 desired number of stack pages (stored in image file header, max 65535)
#44 3801936 size of eden, in bytes
#45 0 desired size of eden, in bytes (stored in image file header)
#46 1048576 machine code zone size, in bytes (Cog only; otherwise nil)
#47 0 desired machine code zone size (stored in image file header; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#48 0 various header flags. See getCogVMFlags.
#49 256 max size the image promises to grow the external semaphore table to (0 sets to default, which is 256 as of writing)
#50 nil nil; reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)
#51 nil nil; reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)
#52 131072 root table capacity
#53 3 number of segments (Spur only; otherwise nil)
#54 31023112 total size of free old space (Spur only, otherwise nil)
#55 0.33333298563957214 ratio of growth and image size at or above which a GC will be performed post scavenge
#56 130532 number of process switches since startup (read-only)
#57 23738 number of ioProcessEvents calls since startup (read-only)
#58 244260 number of ForceInterruptCheck calls since startup (read-only)
#59 241874 number of check event calls since startup (read-only)
#60 437141 number of stack page overflows since startup (read-only)
#61 42 number of stack page divorces since startup (read-only) 62 compiled code compactions since startup (read-only; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#63 148 total milliseconds in compiled code compactions since startup (read-only; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#64 2492 the number of methods that currently have jitted machine-code
#65 3 whether the VM supports a certain feature, MULTIPLE_BYTECODE_SETS is bit 0, IMMTABILITY is bit 1
#66 4096 the byte size of a stack page
#67 0 the max allowed size of old space (Spur only; nil otherwise; 0 implies no limit except that of the underlying platform)
#68 28.26872246696035 the average number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)
#69 50 the maximum number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)
#70 1 the vmProxyMajorVersion (the interpreterProxy VM_MAJOR_VERSION)
#71 14 the vmProxyMinorVersion (the interpreterProxy VM_MINOR_VERSION)

Cyrille Delaunay
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Re: "External module not found" while loading metacello project

whet is this “latest vm” ? how do you get it?
which 6 image are you getting?


On 1 Mar 2018, at 10:39, Cyrille Delaunay <[hidden email]> wrote:


I am getting the error "External module not found" while trying to load a metacello project.
I am running the latest 32 bits pharo 6 image and vm available with zeroconf script.
The concerned external module seems to be "libgit" (self ffiCall: #(int git_libgit2_init()))
But the plugin seems to be available within the vm folder:

<Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 10.37.39 AM.png>

The issue can be reproduced with any metacello project.
For example, from the catalog, you can load the configuration of VoyageMongo.
Then inspect:

Metacello new
configuration: 'VoyageMongo';
version: #development;

I am able to collect to following information using the System reporter:

Latest update: #60535

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b0e-ecd3-4adf-b092-cce2e2587a5c Jul 20 2017
VM: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Thu Jul 20 12:42:21 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $

Mac OS X built on Jul 20 2017 21:45:23 UTC Compiler: 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)
VMMaker versionString VM: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Thu Jul 20 12:42:21 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b0e-ecd3-4adf-b092-cce2e2587a5c Jul 20 2017

Virtual Machine Commandline Options

Loaded VM Modules
AioPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin-eem.18 (i)
B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 (i)
BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
FT2Plugin Freetype-Plugin-EstebanLorenzano.70 (e)
FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-nice.2233 (i)
FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
JPEGReadWriter2Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (e)
LargeIntegers v2.0 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
LocalePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (e)
Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
SecurityPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2166 (i)
SocketPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
SurfacePlugin Jul 20 2017 (e)
UnixOSProcessPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-dtl.56 (i)
ZipPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)

VM Built-in Modules
ADPCMCodecPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
AioPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin-eem.18 (i)
AsynchFilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2030 (i)
B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 (i)
BMPReadWriterPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
DSAPrims CryptographyPlugins-eem.12 (i)
DropPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
FFTPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-nice.2233 (i)
FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
GeniePlugin v2.0 15 June 2017 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
HostWindowPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
IA32ABI VMMaker.oscog-eem.2156 (i)
LargeIntegers v2.0 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
SecurityPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2166 (i)
SocketPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
SoundCodecPrims VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
SoundGenerationPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
SoundPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2218 (i)
StarSqueakPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
UnixOSProcessPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-dtl.56 (i)
VMProfileMacSupportPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
ZipPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)

Virtual Machine Parameters
#1 417575824 end (v3)/size(Spur) of old-space (0-based, read-only)
#2 2457904 end (v3)/size(Spur) of young/new-space (read-only)
#3 422576128 end (v3)/size(Spur) of heap (read-only)
#4 nil nil (was allocationCount (read-only))
#5 nil nil (was allocations between GCs (read-write)
#6 0 survivor count tenuring threshold (read-write)
#7 1 full GCs since startup (read-only)
#8 1103 total milliseconds in full GCs since startup (read-only)
#9 906 incremental GCs (SqueakV3) or scavenges (Spur) since startup (read-only)
#10 537 total milliseconds in incremental GCs (SqueakV3) or scavenges (Spur) since startup (read-only)
#11 745995 tenures of surving objects since startup (read-only)
#12 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#13 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#14 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#15 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#16 431742214 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#17 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#18 436 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#19 2936531 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#20 3697347243026912 utc microseconds at VM start-up (actually at time initialization, which precedes image load).
#21 322 root table size (read-only)
#22 0 root table overflows since startup (read-only)
#23 0 bytes of extra memory to reserve for VM buffers, plugins, etc (stored in image file header).
#24 33554432 memory threshold above which shrinking object memory (rw)
#25 16777216 memory headroom when growing object memory (rw)
#26 2 interruptChecksEveryNms - force an ioProcessEvents every N milliseconds (rw) 27 number of times mark loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) includes ALL marking
#28 0 number of times sweep loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#29 0 number of times make forward loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) 30 number of times compact move loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#31 3 number of grow memory requests (read-only)
#32 1 number of shrink memory requests (read-only)
#33 316 number of root table entries used for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#34 2683771912 number of allocations done before current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#35 3227 number of survivor objects after current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#36 454659763 millisecond clock when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)
#37 0 number of marked objects for Roots of the world, not including Root Table entries for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#38 0 milliseconds taken by current IGC (read-only)
#39 0 Number of finalization signals for Weak Objects pending when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)
#40 4 BytesPerOop for this image
#41 6521 imageFormatVersion for the VM
#42 50 number of stack pages in use
#43 0 desired number of stack pages (stored in image file header, max 65535)
#44 3801936 size of eden, in bytes
#45 0 desired size of eden, in bytes (stored in image file header)
#46 1048576 machine code zone size, in bytes (Cog only; otherwise nil)
#47 0 desired machine code zone size (stored in image file header; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#48 0 various header flags. See getCogVMFlags.
#49 256 max size the image promises to grow the external semaphore table to (0 sets to default, which is 256 as of writing)
#50 nil nil; reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)
#51 nil nil; reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)
#52 131072 root table capacity
#53 3 number of segments (Spur only; otherwise nil)
#54 31023112 total size of free old space (Spur only, otherwise nil)
#55 0.33333298563957214 ratio of growth and image size at or above which a GC will be performed post scavenge
#56 130532 number of process switches since startup (read-only)
#57 23738 number of ioProcessEvents calls since startup (read-only)
#58 244260 number of ForceInterruptCheck calls since startup (read-only)
#59 241874 number of check event calls since startup (read-only)
#60 437141 number of stack page overflows since startup (read-only)
#61 42 number of stack page divorces since startup (read-only) 62 compiled code compactions since startup (read-only; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#63 148 total milliseconds in compiled code compactions since startup (read-only; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#64 2492 the number of methods that currently have jitted machine-code
#65 3 whether the VM supports a certain feature, MULTIPLE_BYTECODE_SETS is bit 0, IMMTABILITY is bit 1
#66 4096 the byte size of a stack page
#67 0 the max allowed size of old space (Spur only; nil otherwise; 0 implies no limit except that of the underlying platform)
#68 28.26872246696035 the average number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)
#69 50 the maximum number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)
#70 1 the vmProxyMajorVersion (the interpreterProxy VM_MAJOR_VERSION)
#71 14 the vmProxyMinorVersion (the interpreterProxy VM_MINOR_VERSION)

Cyrille Delaunay

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Re: "External module not found" while loading metacello project

Yeah this was imprecise

Here is our build process:
To get a mac pharo vm, we use this url: 

To get a pharo image, we use the one retrieved with:

wget --quiet -O - get.pharo.org/61+vm | bash

I juste made a test with fresh image and vm retrieved using the above links.
But I was not able to reproduce !

So I guess there might be something wrong during our build process (in between getting image + vm AND getting our source code loaded)
Or maybe we are not really getting these images and vms.

I will investigate more and come back if I have more elements

2018-03-01 11:05 GMT+01:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
whet is this “latest vm” ? how do you get it?
which 6 image are you getting?


On 1 Mar 2018, at 10:39, Cyrille Delaunay <[hidden email]> wrote:


I am getting the error "External module not found" while trying to load a metacello project.
I am running the latest 32 bits pharo 6 image and vm available with zeroconf script.
The concerned external module seems to be "libgit" (self ffiCall: #(int git_libgit2_init()))
But the plugin seems to be available within the vm folder:

<Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 10.37.39 AM.png>

The issue can be reproduced with any metacello project.
For example, from the catalog, you can load the configuration of VoyageMongo.
Then inspect:

Metacello new
configuration: 'VoyageMongo';
version: #development;

I am able to collect to following information using the System reporter:

Latest update: #60535

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b0e-ecd3-4adf-b092-cce2e2587a5c Jul 20 2017
VM: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Thu Jul 20 12:42:21 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $

Mac OS X built on Jul 20 2017 21:45:23 UTC Compiler: 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)
VMMaker versionString VM: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Thu Jul 20 12:42:21 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201707201942 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b0e-ecd3-4adf-b092-cce2e2587a5c Jul 20 2017

Virtual Machine Commandline Options

Loaded VM Modules
AioPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin-eem.18 (i)
B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 (i)
BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
FT2Plugin Freetype-Plugin-EstebanLorenzano.70 (e)
FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-nice.2233 (i)
FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
JPEGReadWriter2Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (e)
LargeIntegers v2.0 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
LocalePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (e)
Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
SecurityPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2166 (i)
SocketPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
SurfacePlugin Jul 20 2017 (e)
UnixOSProcessPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-dtl.56 (i)
ZipPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)

VM Built-in Modules
ADPCMCodecPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
AioPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin-eem.18 (i)
AsynchFilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2030 (i)
B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 (i)
BMPReadWriterPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
DSAPrims CryptographyPlugins-eem.12 (i)
DropPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
FFTPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-nice.2233 (i)
FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
GeniePlugin v2.0 15 June 2017 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)
HostWindowPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
IA32ABI VMMaker.oscog-eem.2156 (i)
LargeIntegers v2.0 VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 (i)
SecurityPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2166 (i)
SocketPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2064 (i)
SoundCodecPrims VMMaker.oscog-eem.1975 (i)
SoundGenerationPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
SoundPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2218 (i)
StarSqueakPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
UnixOSProcessPlugin VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog-dtl.56 (i)
VMProfileMacSupportPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2079 (i)
ZipPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.2243 (i)

Virtual Machine Parameters
#1 417575824 end (v3)/size(Spur) of old-space (0-based, read-only)
#2 2457904 end (v3)/size(Spur) of young/new-space (read-only)
#3 422576128 end (v3)/size(Spur) of heap (read-only)
#4 nil nil (was allocationCount (read-only))
#5 nil nil (was allocations between GCs (read-write)
#6 0 survivor count tenuring threshold (read-write)
#7 1 full GCs since startup (read-only)
#8 1103 total milliseconds in full GCs since startup (read-only)
#9 906 incremental GCs (SqueakV3) or scavenges (Spur) since startup (read-only)
#10 537 total milliseconds in incremental GCs (SqueakV3) or scavenges (Spur) since startup (read-only)
#11 745995 tenures of surving objects since startup (read-only)
#12 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#13 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#14 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#15 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#16 431742214 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#17 0 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#18 436 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#19 2936531 12-20 were specific to ikp's JITTER VM, now 12-19 are open for use
#20 3697347243026912 utc microseconds at VM start-up (actually at time initialization, which precedes image load).
#21 322 root table size (read-only)
#22 0 root table overflows since startup (read-only)
#23 0 bytes of extra memory to reserve for VM buffers, plugins, etc (stored in image file header).
#24 33554432 memory threshold above which shrinking object memory (rw)
#25 16777216 memory headroom when growing object memory (rw)
#26 2 interruptChecksEveryNms - force an ioProcessEvents every N milliseconds (rw) 27 number of times mark loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) includes ALL marking
#28 0 number of times sweep loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#29 0 number of times make forward loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) 30 number of times compact move loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#31 3 number of grow memory requests (read-only)
#32 1 number of shrink memory requests (read-only)
#33 316 number of root table entries used for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#34 2683771912 number of allocations done before current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#35 3227 number of survivor objects after current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#36 454659763 millisecond clock when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)
#37 0 number of marked objects for Roots of the world, not including Root Table entries for current IGC/FGC (read-only)
#38 0 milliseconds taken by current IGC (read-only)
#39 0 Number of finalization signals for Weak Objects pending when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only)
#40 4 BytesPerOop for this image
#41 6521 imageFormatVersion for the VM
#42 50 number of stack pages in use
#43 0 desired number of stack pages (stored in image file header, max 65535)
#44 3801936 size of eden, in bytes
#45 0 desired size of eden, in bytes (stored in image file header)
#46 1048576 machine code zone size, in bytes (Cog only; otherwise nil)
#47 0 desired machine code zone size (stored in image file header; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#48 0 various header flags. See getCogVMFlags.
#49 256 max size the image promises to grow the external semaphore table to (0 sets to default, which is 256 as of writing)
#50 nil nil; reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)
#51 nil nil; reserved for VM parameters that persist in the image (such as eden above)
#52 131072 root table capacity
#53 3 number of segments (Spur only; otherwise nil)
#54 31023112 total size of free old space (Spur only, otherwise nil)
#55 0.33333298563957214 ratio of growth and image size at or above which a GC will be performed post scavenge
#56 130532 number of process switches since startup (read-only)
#57 23738 number of ioProcessEvents calls since startup (read-only)
#58 244260 number of ForceInterruptCheck calls since startup (read-only)
#59 241874 number of check event calls since startup (read-only)
#60 437141 number of stack page overflows since startup (read-only)
#61 42 number of stack page divorces since startup (read-only) 62 compiled code compactions since startup (read-only; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#63 148 total milliseconds in compiled code compactions since startup (read-only; Cog only; otherwise nil)
#64 2492 the number of methods that currently have jitted machine-code
#65 3 whether the VM supports a certain feature, MULTIPLE_BYTECODE_SETS is bit 0, IMMTABILITY is bit 1
#66 4096 the byte size of a stack page
#67 0 the max allowed size of old space (Spur only; nil otherwise; 0 implies no limit except that of the underlying platform)
#68 28.26872246696035 the average number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)
#69 50 the maximum number of live stack pages when scanned by GC (at scavenge/gc/become et al)
#70 1 the vmProxyMajorVersion (the interpreterProxy VM_MAJOR_VERSION)
#71 14 the vmProxyMinorVersion (the interpreterProxy VM_MINOR_VERSION)

Cyrille Delaunay

Cyrille Delaunay