Extra Resources in my ToGo aplication?

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Extra Resources in my ToGo aplication?

Tim M
A small thing - when looking at how to replace my application icon in a ToGo
application, I loaded it using XN Resource Editor and noticed that there
are a few additional resources in there that I don't use and I'm suprised
got included? Ok so a a 600k .exe is pretty good but thought it was worth

Bitmap resources: Editbar, Filebar, Findbar, Listbar, ViewBar
Cursors - VSplit and HSplit
Icons - DownArrow, UpArrow


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[OT] small exes, was Re: Extra Resources in my ToGo aplication?

Stefan Schmiedl
On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 14:26:54 +0000, Tim M wrote:

> A small thing - when looking at how to replace my application icon in a ToGo
> application, I loaded it using XN Resource Editor and noticed that there
> are a few additional resources in there that I don't use and I'm suprised
> got included? Ok so a a 600k .exe is pretty good but thought it was worth
> reporting.

If you're into *small* executables, I can recommend
retroforth (www.retroforth.net) or purebasic (www.purebasic.com).

retroforth clocks in at a whopping 10 k or so for the base system,
the rest would be your source code. purebasic is an assembler based
basic, building in standalone executables well below 100 kB.

Both are *not* Smalltalk, however...


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Re: Extra Resources in my ToGo aplication?

Support at Object Arts
In reply to this post by Tim M
"Tim M" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

>A small thing - when looking at how to replace my application icon in a
>ToGo application, I loaded it using XN Resource Editor and noticed that
>there are a few additional resources in there that I don't use and I'm
>suprised got included? Ok so a a 600k .exe is pretty good but thought it
>was worth reporting.
> Bitmap resources: Editbar, Filebar, Findbar, Listbar, ViewBar
> Cursors - VSplit and HSplit
> Icons - DownArrow, UpArrow

These are deliberately included because you are very likely to need them in
most GUI applications. If you don't, then create a copy stub and delete them
in that and use it for deployment, or delete them after deployment, either
way using your resource editor.
