In order to use the callbacks, I need to write a pragma in the Callback class for the signature.
My signature is something like (where ulong means pointer)
void (ulong ulong long long ulong)
Can you help me ?
Here is an example for another signature :
!Callback methodsFor: 'signatures' stamp: 'eem 11/1/2010 16:40'!
intcharstarRetint: callbackContext sp: spAlien
<signature: 'int (*)(int, char *)' abi: 'IA32'>
^callbackContext wordResult:
value: (spAlien signedLongAt: 1) ~= 0
value: (Alien forPointer: (spAlien unsignedLongAt: 5)) strcpyUTF8)
ifNil: [0]
result isInteger
ifTrue: [result]
ifFalse: [result == true ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]]])! !