FISL 10.0 will include a 3-day smalltalk mini-conference!

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FISL 10.0 will include a 3-day smalltalk mini-conference!

Randal L. Schwartz

>From my blog at

  But the biggest news is that based on the preliminary interest in Seaside
  because of my talk, the FISL conference organizers offered an entire room
  for next years conference (the full three days with 12 hours per day), as
  well as four or five main-track hour talks, if I could help organize the
  subconference details!  This is quite a gift, because it will mean that we
  can expose the 7000 conference attendees to a variety of Smalltalk programs,
  without paying for rooms or badging or promotion.  The conference asked if I
  could get some corporate sponsors on board, and I immediately fired off
  email to James at Cincom and Monty at GemStone, and thank goodness they read
  email on Saturday, because they offered their support quickly. Of course, we
  have many details to work out, but everyone agrees that we will move

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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