Float>>readFrom: does not always answer same result as sscanf(),
atod(), ... this is because the construct integerPart + fractionalPart asFloat * (10 raisedToInteger: exponent) is doing successive rounding errors... When using my correction of Fraction asFloat in previous post, only one rounding to nearest float is done. Here after, you will find a test case and a patch. Implementation does not slow done string -> float conversion. It even fast it up in case of large number of decimals... Nicolas "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" !FloatTest methodsFor! testFloatPrintString "Debug reading/printing a Floating point number without accumulating round off errors" | b r | b := ByteArray new: 8. r := RandomLinearCongruential newModulus: 16r100000000 multiplier: 16r0F010800F increment: 16r00005F2ED. r seed: 1234567. 100 timesRepeat: [| f str | b basicDwordAtOffset: 4 put: (r next; seed) - 1. b basicDwordAtOffset: 0 put: (r next; seed) - 1. ((b basicDwordAtOffset: 4) bitAnd: 16r7FF00000) = 16r7FF00000 ifFalse: ["avoid nan and infinity" f := b doubleAtOffset: 0. str := (String new: 64) writeStream. f printOn: str significantFigures: 17. self assert: (Float readFrom: str contents readStream) = f]]. "test big num near infinity" 10 timesRepeat: [| f str | b basicDwordAtOffset: 4 put: 16r7FE00000 + ((r next; seed) // 16r1000 - 1). b basicDwordAtOffset: 0 put: (r next; seed) - 1. f := b doubleAtOffset: 0. str := (String new: 64) writeStream. f printOn: str significantFigures: 17. self assert: (Float readFrom: str contents readStream) = f]. "test infinitesimal (gradual underflow)" 10 timesRepeat: [| f str | b basicDwordAtOffset: 4 put: 0 + ((r next; seed) // 16r1000 - 1). b basicDwordAtOffset: 0 put: (r next; seed) - 1. f := b doubleAtOffset: 0. str := (String new: 64) writeStream. f printOn: str significantFigures: 17. self assert: (Float readFrom: str contents readStream) = f].! ! !FloatTest categoriesFor: #testFloatPrintString!public!Testing! ! "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" !Number class methodsFor! readSmalltalkRealFrom: aStream initialInteger: anInteger "Private - Answer a new, positive, <Float> or <ScaledDecimal>, read from the <gettableStream>, aStream. The <integer>, integerPart, has already been read from the stream and we are currently positioned immediately after the decimal point." "Attempt to read positive fractional part" | nextChar precision fractionalPart start mantissa | start := aStream position. (fractionalPart := self readIntegerFrom: aStream radix: 10) isNil ifTrue: ["Actually just an Integer with a trailing full stop, which we must pop back onto the stream" aStream pop. ^anInteger]. precision := aStream position - start. "2006/06/08 nice: use Euclidean division so as to not accumulate round off errors we keep mantissa in integer form" fractionalPart = 0 ifTrue: [mantissa := anInteger. precision := 0] ifFalse: [mantissa := anInteger * (10 raisedToInteger: precision) + fractionalPart]. "Process any exponent..." ((nextChar := aStream peek) == $e or: [nextChar == $d or: [nextChar == $q]]) ifTrue: [| exponent | aStream next. "Skip the exponent character" "Allow plus prefix on the exponent, although not ANSI Smalltalk syntax" (exponent := self readDecimalIntegerFrom: aStream allowPlus: true) notNil ifTrue: [^exponent >= precision ifTrue: [(mantissa * (10 raisedToInteger: exponent - precision)) asFloat] ifFalse: ["Trick: Fraction do not need to be normalized before converted to Float Implied Euclidean division will be cheaper than full gcd algorithm" (Fraction numerator: mantissa denominator: (10 raisedToInteger: exponent negated + precision)) asFloat]]. "Found Float with trailing exponent character which is not part of the number, e.g. 1.5e From ANSI standard p 28: 'An exponentLetter must be followed by an explicit exponent'" aStream pop] ifFalse: [nextChar == $s ifTrue: [aStream next. "Skip the $s" ^self readScaledDecimalFrom: aStream mantissa: mantissa / (10 raisedToInteger: precision) precision: precision]]. "Normal Float, such as 2.5 (perhaps with trailing exponent character)" "Trick: Fraction do not need to be normalized before converted to Float Implied Euclidean division will be cheaper than full gcd algorithm" ^precision = 0 ifTrue: [mantissa asFloat] ifFalse: [(Fraction numerator: mantissa denominator: (10 raisedToInteger: precision)) asFloat]! ! |
"nicolas cellier" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > Float>>readFrom: does not always answer same result as sscanf(), > atod(), ... > > this is because the construct > integerPart + fractionalPart asFloat * (10 raisedToInteger: exponent) > is doing successive rounding errors... > Thanks once again for your contribution (and test!). We'll include this in the next minor release. Regards Blair |
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