[FR] Displaying the 'changed' -icon for a changed package also when that package is selected in the list

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[FR] Displaying the 'changed' -icon for a changed package also when that package is selected in the list

The package browser should display the 'star' -symbol in front of a
changed package even when that package is selected in the list.

The star symbol in front of changed packages is most helpful. However,
when you select such a package from the list the star-symbol disappears.
When you look at such a list a bit later, it is hard to say whether the
selected package is changed or not. Typically the selected package is
the one you are working on, so this makes it difficult to see whether
the package you are currently working on is changed or not.

-Panu Viljamaa

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Re: [FR] Displaying the 'changed' -icon for a changed package also when that package is selected in the list

Chris Uppal-3
[hidden email] wrote:

> The package browser should display the 'star' -symbol in front of a
> changed package even when that package is selected in the list.

Shows up fine for me.

An additional suggestion: if Package instances had different #icon depending on
whether they are changed, then not only would that reduce whatever problem it
is that is affecting Panu (but not me), but would mean that the package icon
displayed in class browsers, and the like, would reflect the status of that

    -- chris

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Re: Displaying the 'changed' -icon for a changed package also when that package is selected in the list

Steve Alan Waring
Panu: The star image also shows up for me, selected or not.

Chris Uppal wrote:
> An additional suggestion: if Package instances had different
> #icon depending on whether they are changed, then not only
> would that reduce whatever problem it is that is affecting
> Panu (but not me), but would mean that the package icon
> displayed in class browsers, and the like, would reflect the
> status of that package.

My 2c ... I would like to see packages have an optional configurable
icon. If that icon is set, then any class in the package that does not
specifically define an #icon, inherits the package's icon.

Even better would be to dynamically construct an icon for these classes
(ie a class in a package with a configured icon, that does not define
MyClass class>>icon) by taking the package icon and overlaying it in
the lower-right quarter of the inherited class icon. If you don't like
it, don't set a package icon, and everything would behave like the
current system.

[hidden email]