Hello everyone,
You can now select single or multiple cells in FTs, for that you need to set the selectionMode to #column
I made a short video to illustrate that:
https://vimeo.com/220251050There are a few things to note here:
- The default selection mode is set to #row.
- A reference to the fasttable needs to be passed the FTCellMorphs in the DataSource.
- For multi-cell selection, the command key stroke on macOS is mapped to the Alt gr key in Windows, this doesn't seem right but this is what the "event commandKeyPressed" returns.
You can find an example in the Examples sub package in the Morphic-Widgets-Fasttable package: “exampleTable6”
|table ds|
ds:=FTSampleDataSource new:10.
table := FTTableMorph new
extent: 500@500;
selectionMode: #column;
addColumn: (FTColumn id: 'column1');
addColumn: (FTColumn id: 'column2');
addColumn: (FTColumn id: 'column3');
dataSource: ds;
selectRowIndex: 1;
onAnnouncement: FTSelectionChanged
do: [ :ann | ('rows selected: ', (ann newSelectedRowIndexes asString)) crLog ];
onAnnouncement: FTCellStrongSelectionChanged
do: [ :ann | |index morph ed |
index := ann selectedCellIndex.
morph := table visibleCellMorphAtIndex: index.
ed := RubFloatingEditorBuilder new
customizeEditorWith: [ :editor |
editor scrollbarsShowNever.
editor bounds: (morph bounds insetBy: (Margin left: -2 top: 0 right: 0 bottom: 0 ))
withEditedContentsDo: [ :editedContents |
(ds elements at: index first) instVarAt:index second put: editedContents asString.
table refresh].
ed openEditorWithContents: ((ds elements at: index first) instVarAt: index second).
table openInWindow.
You can load the new package either from
Smalltalkhub or from
GithubYour feedback is most welcome 😊
Elhamer Oussama.