FWD: Re: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Croquet OpenGL on Squeaksource (Re: Trying to load ALienOpenGL into 4.1 alpha...)

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FWD: Re: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Croquet OpenGL on Squeaksource (Re: Trying to load ALienOpenGL into 4.1 alpha...)

Torsten Bergmann
Download a Pharo 1.1. core image (for instance
and then evaluate:

ScriptLoader new installingInstaller.
((Smalltalk at: #Installer) repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/FFI')
    install: 'FFI-Pools';
    install: 'FFI-Kernel';
    install: 'FFI-Tests'.

((Smalltalk at: #Installer) repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL')
    install: '3DTransform';
    install: 'OpenGL-Pools';
    install: 'OpenGL-Core'.

(Smalltalk at: #OpenGL) example.

This will give you an error: "Improper store into indexable object".
You just have to remove this line that shows the FPS, so remove

  "ogl drawString: frames printString, ' frames: ', (framesPerSec truncateTo: 0.1), ' fps' at: 0@font height@0 font: font color: Color black."

from OpenGL example and then it works. At least for me without any
problem. Note that you had to set the VM to use OpenGL instead
of Direct3D on Windows (Hit F2 and go to Display and Sound menu)


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Re: FWD: Re: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Croquet OpenGL on Squeaksource (Re: Trying to load ALienOpenGL into 4.1 alpha...)

Stéphane Ducasse
tx torsten!

On May 28, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:

> Download a Pharo 1.1. core image (for instance
> https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/27017/PharoCore-1.1-11367-Beta.zip)
> and then evaluate:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ScriptLoader new installingInstaller.
> ((Smalltalk at: #Installer) repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/FFI')
>    install: 'FFI-Pools';
>    install: 'FFI-Kernel';
>    install: 'FFI-Tests'.
> ((Smalltalk at: #Installer) repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL')
>    install: '3DTransform';
>    install: 'OpenGL-Pools';
>    install: 'OpenGL-Core'.
> (Smalltalk at: #OpenGL) example.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This will give you an error: "Improper store into indexable object".
> You just have to remove this line that shows the FPS, so remove
>  "ogl drawString: frames printString, ' frames: ', (framesPerSec truncateTo: 0.1), ' fps' at: 0@font height@0 font: font color: Color black."
> from OpenGL example and then it works. At least for me without any
> problem. Note that you had to set the VM to use OpenGL instead
> of Direct3D on Windows (Hit F2 and go to Display and Sound menu)
> Bye
> T.
> --
> GRATIS für alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT!
> Jetzt freischalten unter http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/maxdome01
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