FYI: CMakeVMMaker (Was Re: Automated VM build server)

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FYI: CMakeVMMaker (Was Re: Automated VM build server)

Igor Stasenko
I just uploaded the VMMaker/CMakeVMMaker package,
and since couple of people noticed it, and started asking (privately)
what is it, i decided to do little "premature" explanation.
In short:
   - it is a part of future automated build system.

Its only in prototype phase, and some protocol and even classes could

The idea of this is simple: we put all knowledge about VM building
process into image,
and then generating sources & cmake config, which then doing the rest.
This will allow us to easily change configs and generate not just VM source(s) ,
but also appropriate makefile(s) on the fly ,
without the need of dealing with pesky files on file system.
Because what is most annoying with file-based configuration that it is
spread among multiple (sub)directories
with a lot of different include files, and its really hard to learn a
project structure from it, and even harder to alter it.
So, what the hell: i prefer to work with classes and methods instead
of directories and files.

What i think is most cool thing about it, that anyone could make own
config by simply
subclassing a particular 'official' configuration to make own custom
VM, with own subset of plugins, settings etc.
And then once you tested it, it could be made public and built
automatically by anyone else,
without extra manual steps and perusing in file system, IDE(s) etc.

I plan to create configurations for both squeak and cog vms on all
major platforms,
 then i will use them to automatically build VMs using Hudson server.

As always, your suggestions and questions are most welcome.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.