FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

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FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

Sebastian Calvo

Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]


August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911

Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  

Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

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Re: FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

ah todo esto...¿como es? ¿se sacaron de encima java y quieren seguir con smalltalk? ¿o no les queda alternativa?


El 05/08/2010, a las 9:40a.m., GallegO escribió:


Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]


August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911

Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  

Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

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Re: FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

Guillermo Schwarz
Instantiations es dueña de VA Smalltalk (VA = Visual Age, hace unos 15 años VA era de IBM) y es la creadora de WindowBuilder, una interfaz para crear GUIs en Smalltalk de manera drag and drop y cuyo fuente está en Smalltalk y pesa algo así como 20 Kb.

Tutoriall de WindowBuilder para Smalltalk/V: Hace que Visual Basic se vea complicado.

Desde el punto de vista de la innovación, les sacan un peso de encima, dejando que Instantiationse concentre en lo que sabe hacer. Desde el punto de vista de la capacidad para generar ingresos, claramente el mercado Java es más profundo que el de Smalltalk. Si Google comercializa el producto o lo regala da más o menos lo mismo, se puede reimplementar en Java. Si nadie lo ha hecho es de flojera.

Lo único que lamento es que probablemente haya claúsulas en el contrato que impidan que Instantiations se vuelva a meter en Java por un tiempo, de modo que puede innovar mucho, pero no podrá capitalizar esa innovación por un buen tiempo.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
ah todo esto...¿como es? ¿se sacaron de encima java y quieren seguir con smalltalk? ¿o no les queda alternativa?


El 05/08/2010, a las 9:40a.m., GallegO escribió:


Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]


August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911

Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  

Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

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To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [hidden email]

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [hidden email]
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Re: FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

Guillermo Schwarz
Se me olvidó mencionar la fuente:

No encontré los fuentes el WindowBuilder para ST/V, pero debo reconocer que era más que genial, era inspirador.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Instantiations es dueña de VA Smalltalk (VA = Visual Age, hace unos 15 años VA era de IBM) y es la creadora de WindowBuilder, una interfaz para crear GUIs en Smalltalk de manera drag and drop y cuyo fuente está en Smalltalk y pesa algo así como 20 Kb.

Tutoriall de WindowBuilder para Smalltalk/V: Hace que Visual Basic se vea complicado.

Desde el punto de vista de la innovación, les sacan un peso de encima, dejando que Instantiationse concentre en lo que sabe hacer. Desde el punto de vista de la capacidad para generar ingresos, claramente el mercado Java es más profundo que el de Smalltalk. Si Google comercializa el producto o lo regala da más o menos lo mismo, se puede reimplementar en Java. Si nadie lo ha hecho es de flojera.

Lo único que lamento es que probablemente haya claúsulas en el contrato que impidan que Instantiations se vuelva a meter en Java por un tiempo, de modo que puede innovar mucho, pero no podrá capitalizar esa innovación por un buen tiempo.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
ah todo esto...¿como es? ¿se sacaron de encima java y quieren seguir con smalltalk? ¿o no les queda alternativa?


El 05/08/2010, a las 9:40a.m., GallegO escribió:


Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]


August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911

Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  

Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

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To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
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Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [hidden email]
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Re: FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

Guillermo Schwarz
Bueno y para completarla, acá está el Smalltalk Express que funciona en Windows (dice que en Linux funciona con Wine) y que viene con el fuente del WindowBuilder que pesa 300 KB no 20 KB. No deja de ser increíble por eso.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Se me olvidó mencionar la fuente:

No encontré los fuentes el WindowBuilder para ST/V, pero debo reconocer que era más que genial, era inspirador.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Instantiations es dueña de VA Smalltalk (VA = Visual Age, hace unos 15 años VA era de IBM) y es la creadora de WindowBuilder, una interfaz para crear GUIs en Smalltalk de manera drag and drop y cuyo fuente está en Smalltalk y pesa algo así como 20 Kb.

Tutoriall de WindowBuilder para Smalltalk/V: Hace que Visual Basic se vea complicado.

Desde el punto de vista de la innovación, les sacan un peso de encima, dejando que Instantiationse concentre en lo que sabe hacer. Desde el punto de vista de la capacidad para generar ingresos, claramente el mercado Java es más profundo que el de Smalltalk. Si Google comercializa el producto o lo regala da más o menos lo mismo, se puede reimplementar en Java. Si nadie lo ha hecho es de flojera.

Lo único que lamento es que probablemente haya claúsulas en el contrato que impidan que Instantiations se vuelva a meter en Java por un tiempo, de modo que puede innovar mucho, pero no podrá capitalizar esa innovación por un buen tiempo.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
ah todo esto...¿como es? ¿se sacaron de encima java y quieren seguir con smalltalk? ¿o no les queda alternativa?


El 05/08/2010, a las 9:40a.m., GallegO escribió:


Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]


August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911

Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  

Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

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Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
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Re: FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google

Guillermo Schwarz
Lamento poner tantos post al respecto, pero es que no puedo creer lo fácil que es ejecutarlo en Linux con Wine...

De modo que crear aplicaciones nativas sobre Linux se vuelve trivial... aunque debo reconocer que es extraño ver una interfaz de usuario de Windows 3.11 en Ubuntu.

Había una interfaz WinSocket para Smalltalk Express que permitía usar sockets de manera asíncrona (a la Windows) en Smalltalk. El chiste es que hice un mail reader y funcionaba más rápido que Outlook Express. ¿La razón? WinSockets funciona en base a eventos (como los eventos de Windows) de modo que cuando hay algo que leer o terminó de escribir en el socket despierta a la ventana correspondiente, de modo que a diferencia de lo que ocurre con los threads que forzosamente te quedas esperando que un system call termine, usando una interfaz de comunicación orientada a eventos puedes hacer todas las llamadas que quieras de manera asíncrona y cuando terminen, ellas verán de avisarte con un evento.

Grande Smalltalk por permitir hacer esto, grande Windows por copiar la idea de los eventos a Mac (que copió a Smalltalk) y grande Linux por permitir ejecutar Smalltalk Express.

Bueno e Instantiations por haber inventado WindowBuilder. Todavía me sorprende lo bien que funciona.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Bueno y para completarla, acá está el Smalltalk Express que funciona en Windows (dice que en Linux funciona con Wine) y que viene con el fuente del WindowBuilder que pesa 300 KB no 20 KB. No deja de ser increíble por eso.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Se me olvidó mencionar la fuente:

No encontré los fuentes el WindowBuilder para ST/V, pero debo reconocer que era más que genial, era inspirador.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Instantiations es dueña de VA Smalltalk (VA = Visual Age, hace unos 15 años VA era de IBM) y es la creadora de WindowBuilder, una interfaz para crear GUIs en Smalltalk de manera drag and drop y cuyo fuente está en Smalltalk y pesa algo así como 20 Kb.

Tutoriall de WindowBuilder para Smalltalk/V: Hace que Visual Basic se vea complicado.

Desde el punto de vista de la innovación, les sacan un peso de encima, dejando que Instantiationse concentre en lo que sabe hacer. Desde el punto de vista de la capacidad para generar ingresos, claramente el mercado Java es más profundo que el de Smalltalk. Si Google comercializa el producto o lo regala da más o menos lo mismo, se puede reimplementar en Java. Si nadie lo ha hecho es de flojera.

Lo único que lamento es que probablemente haya claúsulas en el contrato que impidan que Instantiations se vuelva a meter en Java por un tiempo, de modo que puede innovar mucho, pero no podrá capitalizar esa innovación por un buen tiempo.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
ah todo esto...¿como es? ¿se sacaron de encima java y quieren seguir con smalltalk? ¿o no les queda alternativa?


El 05/08/2010, a las 9:40a.m., GallegO escribió:


Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]


August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911

Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  

Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

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To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
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Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [hidden email]

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RE: FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google


Mas info:





De: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] En nombre de Guillermo Schwarz
Enviado el: Thursday, August 05, 2010 11:49 AM
Para: [hidden email]
Asunto: Re: [clubSmalltalk] FYI: Fwd: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google


Lamento poner tantos post al respecto, pero es que no puedo creer lo fácil que es ejecutarlo en Linux con Wine...


De modo que crear aplicaciones nativas sobre Linux se vuelve trivial... aunque debo reconocer que es extraño ver una interfaz de usuario de Windows 3.11 en Ubuntu.


Había una interfaz WinSocket para Smalltalk Express que permitía usar sockets de manera asíncrona (a la Windows) en Smalltalk. El chiste es que hice un mail reader y funcionaba más rápido que Outlook Express. ¿La razón? WinSockets funciona en base a eventos (como los eventos de Windows) de modo que cuando hay algo que leer o terminó de escribir en el socket despierta a la ventana correspondiente, de modo que a diferencia de lo que ocurre con los threads que forzosamente te quedas esperando que un system call termine, usando una interfaz de comunicación orientada a eventos puedes hacer todas las llamadas que quieras de manera asíncrona y cuando terminen, ellas verán de avisarte con un evento.


Grande Smalltalk por permitir hacer esto, grande Windows por copiar la idea de los eventos a Mac (que copió a Smalltalk) y grande Linux por permitir ejecutar Smalltalk Express.


Bueno e Instantiations por haber inventado WindowBuilder. Todavía me sorprende lo bien que funciona.




On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:

Bueno y para completarla, acá está el Smalltalk Express que funciona en Windows (dice que en Linux funciona con Wine) y que viene con el fuente del WindowBuilder que pesa 300 KB no 20 KB. No deja de ser increíble por eso.





On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:

Se me olvidó mencionar la fuente:


No encontré los fuentes el WindowBuilder para ST/V, pero debo reconocer que era más que genial, era inspirador.






On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Guillermo Schwarz <[hidden email]> wrote:

Instantiations es dueña de VA Smalltalk (VA = Visual Age, hace unos 15 años VA era de IBM) y es la creadora de WindowBuilder, una interfaz para crear GUIs en Smalltalk de manera drag and drop y cuyo fuente está en Smalltalk y pesa algo así como 20 Kb.


Tutoriall de WindowBuilder para Smalltalk/V: Hace que Visual Basic se vea complicado.


Desde el punto de vista de la innovación, les sacan un peso de encima, dejando que Instantiationse concentre en lo que sabe hacer. Desde el punto de vista de la capacidad para generar ingresos, claramente el mercado Java es más profundo que el de Smalltalk. Si Google comercializa el producto o lo regala da más o menos lo mismo, se puede reimplementar en Java. Si nadie lo ha hecho es de flojera.


Lo único que lamento es que probablemente haya claúsulas en el contrato que impidan que Instantiations se vuelva a meter en Java por un tiempo, de modo que puede innovar mucho, pero no podrá capitalizar esa innovación por un buen tiempo.






On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:

ah todo esto...¿como es? ¿se sacaron de encima java y quieren seguir con smalltalk? ¿o no les queda alternativa?





El 05/08/2010, a las 9:40a.m., GallegO escribió:




Algunos que han bajado algo de Instantiations habrán recibido el mismo mail. Si es así pido disculpas por distraerlo nuevamente. Hoy es el Conference Call para Argentina por si alguien esta interesado en participar, si no entendí mal a la 17 hs de Buenos Aires.





---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Instantiations <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/8/4
Subject: Instantiations Java Business Acquired by Google
To: [hidden email]

¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.

August 4, 2010

Dear Jose Sebastian,

         I have exciting news to share about important developments here at Instantiations. Instantiations’ Java business has been acquired by Google! In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!

          This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk™ community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.

          In the short run you will see little change in our Smalltalk activities. The same people will be in place doing the same good work; our offices in Raleigh and Portland will continue to function at full capacity; support and product development will proceed without interruption, and we are looking forward to our upcoming release of VA Smalltalk 8.0.3. We will continue to support the community by hosting and sponsoring events like our recent VA Smalltalk Forum Europe, Camp Smalltalk in London, ESUG and Smalltalk Solutions 2011.

          Longer term our new financial resources will allow us to expand our Smalltalk staff and capability. We are committed to the continued technical evolution of the VA Smalltalk product line and to expanding its market and business success.

          I will continue as President and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations. Founder Eric Clayberg will join Google, but will also continue as a Director/Board Member, technical advisor and major shareholder of Instantiations. John O’Keefe will assume an even stronger role guiding the technical development and advancement of VAST. Chuck Shawan will continue working with customers as our VP of Sales. Everyone on the technical team in Raleigh will stay in their current roles.

          We will host two phone briefings to talk about the news and to give you and everyone who attends a chance to ask questions. The calls are scheduled to encourage worldwide participation (you may attend either conference regardless of your location). Immediately below is the schedule and far below is the dial-in info:

Conference Schedules:

North/South American Conference
Date/Time: August 5, 2010 at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM Buenos Aires, 8:00 PM GMT 

European Conference
Date/Time: August 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM GMT, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Berlin, 6:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM ET, 10:00 AM Buenos Aires 

         John O' Keefe and I will both be attending ESUG in Barcelona this September. In addition to being a Platinum Sponsor, Instantiations will host a reception (Monday night) and we hope you can join us there to celebrate the continued success of Instantiations and VA Smalltalk.

          All of us here appreciate your confidence in Instantiations and VA Smalltalk. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with you and your organization as we move into an exciting future together.

Best Regards,


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.

Mike Taylor
Phone: +1 503 598 4911
Email: [hidden email]

Phone Conference Participant Dialing Instructions: 

Conference Code for all callers: 935895#

Select a toll-free dial-in number for your country:

United States: 1.800.766.1337 

ITFS - Argentina: 0800-666-0299
ITFS - Brazil: 0-800-891-7073
ITFS - Chile: 123 0020 9164
ITFS - Colombia: 01800-518-0926
ITFS - Denmark: 808 89 328
ITFS - France: 0800 917 564
ITFS - Germany: 0800 182 68 84
ITFS - Greece: 00-800-16122-056750
ITFS - Hong Kong: 800-967-639
ITFS - Indonesia: 001 80 30176750
ITFS - Italy: 800 788 957
ITFS - Japan: 005-311-60-807
ITFS - Mexico: 001-800-514-6750
ITFS - Netherlands: 0800 022 8479
ITFS - New Zealand: 0800 451 221
ITFS - Norway: 800 10041
ITFS - Panama: 00-800-226-6893
ITFS - Russia: 8108 002 745 1012
ITFS - Singapore: 800-101-2044
ITFS - South Korea: 0030-813-1933
ITFS - Spain: 900-94-7666
ITFS - Sweden: 0207-90954
ITFS - Switzerland: 0800 899 943
ITFS - Taiwan: 0080-11-27037
United Kingdom Freephone: 0808 101 0913
ITFS - Venezuela: 0-800-100-8409

If your country does not appear above, call:

Direct Dial Number: 1.404.920.6210  


Instantiations, Inc.
18101 SW Boones Ferry Road, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97224

Click here to unsubscribe:



¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.



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To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
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Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

Saludos cordiales,

Guillermo Schwarz
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]
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