Failing test for #fromJson:

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Failing test for #fromJson:

Tomas Kukol

I have created a test for #fromJson: message.

MJTestFromJson >> testFromJsonWithAddress
       | person address |
       person := MJTestPerson fromJson:

       self assert: person name equals:  'Tomas'.
       address := person address.
       self assert: address isNil not.
       self assert: address postalCode equals: '19800'.
       self assert: address city equals: 'Prague'.

But the test fails because it cannot find PostalCode in MJTestPerson
instace (should be probably in MJTestAddress). Is it a problem of my
#fromJson: usage or wrong implementation of JSON deserialization?

Thanks for any information.

Tomas Kukol
seaside mailing list
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Re: Failing test for #fromJson:

John McKeon
I'm just guessing, but I bet if you change "Address" to "address" in the JSON string it just might work.
I'm also posting this to the Magritte list just in case...
Happy Trails

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Tomas Kukol <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have created a test for #fromJson: message.

MJTestFromJson >> testFromJsonWithAddress
      | person address |
      person := MJTestPerson fromJson:

      self assert: person name equals:  'Tomas'.
      address := person address.
      self assert: address isNil not.
      self assert: address postalCode equals: '19800'.
      self assert: address city equals: 'Prague'.

But the test fails because it cannot find PostalCode in MJTestPerson
instace (should be probably in MJTestAddress). Is it a problem of my
#fromJson: usage or wrong implementation of JSON deserialization?

Thanks for any information.

Tomas Kukol
seaside mailing list
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Re: Failing test for #fromJson:

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by Tomas Kukol
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Tomas Kukol <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have created a test for #fromJson: message.
> MJTestFromJson >> testFromJsonWithAddress
>       | person address |
>       person := MJTestPerson fromJson:
> '{"Name":"Tomas","Address":{"PostalCode":"19800","City":"Prague"}}'.
>       self assert: person name equals:  'Tomas'.
>       address := person address.
>       self assert: address isNil not.
>       self assert: address postalCode equals: '19800'.
>       self assert: address city equals: 'Prague'.
> But the test fails because it cannot find PostalCode in MJTestPerson
> instace (should be probably in MJTestAddress). Is it a problem of my
> #fromJson: usage or wrong implementation of JSON deserialization?

Are you using Magritte-JSON? If you can you show us the descriptions,
ideally attach the whole MJTestPerson class?

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Re: Failing test for #fromJson:

Tomas Kukol

I am using Margitte-Json and Magritte-Tests-Json. MJTestPerson and
MJTestAddress are part of Magritte-Tests-Json package and these
classes have both magritte descriptions. There are codes for both

--- MJTestPerson (begin) ----------------------------------------
MJTestPerson >> favouriteHobby
        ^ favouriteHobby

MJTestPerson >> descriptionOtherHobbies
        ^ MAMultipleOptionDescription new
                accessor: #otherHobbies;
                label: 'Other hobbies';
                options: self class allHobbies;
                priority: 50;

MJTestPerson >> address: anObject
        address := anObject

MJTestPerson >> address
        ^ address

MJTestPerson >> favouriteHobby: anObject
        favouriteHobby := anObject

MJTestPerson >> otherAddresses
        ^ otherAddresses

MJTestPerson >> descriptionOtherAddresses
        ^ MAToManyRelationDescription new
                accessor: #otherAddresses;
                label: 'Other addresses';
                classes: (Array with: MJTestAddress);
                priority: 40;

MJTestPerson >> otherAddresses: anObject
        otherAddresses := anObject

MJTestPerson >> descriptionFavouriteHobby
        ^ MASingleOptionDescription new
                accessor: #favouriteHobby;
                label: 'Favourite hobby';
                options: self class allHobbies;
                priority: 30;

MJTestPerson >> name: anObject
        name := anObject

MJTestPerson >> otherHobbies
        ^ otherHobbies

MJTestPerson >> descriptionName
        ^ MAStringDescription new
                accessor: #name;
                label: 'Name';
                priority: 10;

MJTestPerson >> descriptionAddress
        ^ MAToOneRelationDescription new
                accessor: #address;
                label: 'Address';
                classes: (Array with: MJTestAddress);
                priority: 20;

MJTestPerson >> name
        ^ name

MJTestPerson >> otherHobbies: anObject
        otherHobbies := anObject
--- MJTestPerson (end) ----------------------------------------

--- MJTestAddress (begin) ----------------------------------------
MJTestAddress >> postalCode
        ^ postalCode

MJTestAddress >> city: anObject
        city := anObject

MJTestAddress >> city
        ^ city

MJTestAddress >> descriptionCity
        ^ MAStringDescription new
                accessor: #city;
                label: 'City';
                priority: 20;

MJTestAddress >> descriptionPostalCode
        ^ MAStringDescription new
                accessor: #postalCode;
                label: 'Postal Code';
                priority: 15;

MJTestAddress >> postalCode: anObject
        postalCode := anObject
--- MJTestAddress (end) ----------------------------------------

BTW, there is a small code that allows to show all methods in OBBrowser.

--- OBCmdShowClassSource (begin) ----------------------------------------
OBCmdShowClassSource >> keystroke
        ^ $s

OBCmdShowClassSource >> label
        ^ 'Show class source code'

OBCmdShowClassSource >> execute
        | class definition text |
        class := target theClass.
        text := WriteStream on: String new.
        class methodDict
                do: [ :each |
                        text nextPutAll: class name.
                        text nextPutAll: ' >> '.
                        text nextPutAll: each asString
                separatedBy: [
                        text nextPut: Character cr.
                        text nextPut: Character cr
        definition := OBClassDefinition environment: class environment
template: text contents.
        requestor announce: (OBDefinitionChanged definition: definition)

OBCmdShowClassSource >> isActive
        ^ (requestor isSelected: target) and: [ target respondsTo: #theClass ]
--- OBCmdShowClassSource (end) ----------------------------------------


On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Philippe Marschall
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Tomas Kukol <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have created a test for #fromJson: message.
>> MJTestFromJson >> testFromJsonWithAddress
>>       | person address |
>>       person := MJTestPerson fromJson:
>> '{"Name":"Tomas","Address":{"PostalCode":"19800","City":"Prague"}}'.
>>       self assert: person name equals:  'Tomas'.
>>       address := person address.
>>       self assert: address isNil not.
>>       self assert: address postalCode equals: '19800'.
>>       self assert: address city equals: 'Prague'.
>> But the test fails because it cannot find PostalCode in MJTestPerson
>> instace (should be probably in MJTestAddress). Is it a problem of my
>> #fromJson: usage or wrong implementation of JSON deserialization?
> Are you using Magritte-JSON? If you can you show us the descriptions,
> ideally attach the whole MJTestPerson class?
> Cheers
> Philippe
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
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Re: Failing test for #fromJson:

John McKeon
In an effort to redeem myself after making that totally idiotic statement in my prior post, I have updated Magritte-Json and Magritte-Tests-Json to make the additional test pass. Unfortunately I had to define kind: on the descriptions to get it to work. I really do not see any other way.
I also added another (failing) test for adding Other Addresses to the JSON string.

Hope this helps.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Tomas Kukol <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am using Margitte-Json and Magritte-Tests-Json. MJTestPerson and
MJTestAddress are part of Magritte-Tests-Json package and these
classes have both magritte descriptions. There are codes for both

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Philippe Marschall
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Tomas Kukol <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have created a test for #fromJson: message.
>> MJTestFromJson >> testFromJsonWithAddress
>>       | person address |
>>       person := MJTestPerson fromJson:
>> '{"Name":"Tomas","Address":{"PostalCode":"19800","City":"Prague"}}'.
>>       self assert: person name equals:  'Tomas'.
>>       address := person address.
>>       self assert: address isNil not.
>>       self assert: address postalCode equals: '19800'.
>>       self assert: address city equals: 'Prague'.
>> But the test fails because it cannot find PostalCode in MJTestPerson
>> instace (should be probably in MJTestAddress). Is it a problem of my
>> #fromJson: usage or wrong implementation of JSON deserialization?
> Are you using Magritte-JSON? If you can you show us the descriptions,
> ideally attach the whole MJTestPerson class?
> Cheers
> Philippe
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
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Re: Failing test for #fromJson:

Philippe Marschall
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 5:37 PM, John McKeon <[hidden email]> wrote:
> In an effort to redeem myself after making that totally idiotic statement in
> my prior post, I have updated Magritte-Json and Magritte-Tests-Json to make
> the additional test pass. Unfortunately I had to define kind: on the
> descriptions to get it to work. I really do not see any other way.
> I also added another (failing) test for adding Other Addresses to the JSON
> string.

Thanks for the contribution. I fixed this test and now everything should work.

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