Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

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Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Richard Sargent
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect



On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Richard Sargent

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:19:14 PM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect



On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Richard Sargent
In reply to this post by Louis LaBrunda

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:19:14 PM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect

I'm not sure if you are telling me that #inspect is what I should be using. That example is so simple that it doesn't illustrate the problems that an inspector presents.

My examples are more along the lines of
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
... some elaborate sequence producing a large amount of information ...
stream contents inspect

stream contents edit would be preferable, especially when the contents include quotes or is something you would like to save to a file or otherwise manipulate further, including paste into a spread sheet.



On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Louis LaBrunda
On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:33:19 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:19:14 PM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect

I'm not sure if you are telling me that #inspect is what I should be using.

I was a little.
That example is so simple that it doesn't illustrate the problems that an inspector presents.

My examples are more along the lines of
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
... some elaborate sequence producing a large amount of information ...
stream contents inspect

stream contents edit would be preferable, especially when the contents include quotes or is something you would like to save to a file or otherwise manipulate further, including paste into a spread sheet.

I'm trying to picture what the contents of the edit would look like.



On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Richard Sargent

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 4:17:10 AM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:33:19 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:19:14 PM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect

I'm not sure if you are telling me that #inspect is what I should be using.

I was a little.
That example is so simple that it doesn't illustrate the problems that an inspector presents.

My examples are more along the lines of
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
... some elaborate sequence producing a large amount of information ...
stream contents inspect

stream contents edit would be preferable, especially when the contents include quotes or is something you would like to save to a file or otherwise manipulate further, including paste into a spread sheet.

I'm trying to picture what the contents of the edit would look like.

So am I!!

Here is an example from GBS.

    | ws |
    ws := EtWorkspace new.
    ws open nextPutAll: config printString.
    ws confirmClose: false "don't show changes unless the user makes a change"

And here is an example from EpPackagingInstructions.

    (EtWorkspace new
        label: MxEPf368 , Date dateAndTimeNow printString;  "$NLS$ Packager Instructions"
        nextPutAll: ws contents;
                showPosition: 0

So, yes. We could continue writing such abominable expressions. I would prefer to have the product provide a standard and concise way to do this.




On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Seth Berman
Hi All,

You could certainly dispatch something a method in String back to an already existing method which is pretty terse already:
EtWorkspace stsPrompt: '' default: self
StsWorkspace stsPrompt: '' default: self

You may need an additional variant of the String method to capture an optional workspace title.
so you could actually include an optional title for the workspace.
EtWorkspace stsPrompt: aTitle default: self.
StsWorkspace stsPrompt: aTitle default: self.

- Seth

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 12:09:46 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 4:17:10 AM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:33:19 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:19:14 PM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect

I'm not sure if you are telling me that #inspect is what I should be using.

I was a little.
That example is so simple that it doesn't illustrate the problems that an inspector presents.

My examples are more along the lines of
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
... some elaborate sequence producing a large amount of information ...
stream contents inspect

stream contents edit would be preferable, especially when the contents include quotes or is something you would like to save to a file or otherwise manipulate further, including paste into a spread sheet.

I'm trying to picture what the contents of the edit would look like.

So am I!!

Here is an example from GBS.

    | ws |
    ws := EtWorkspace new.
    ws open nextPutAll: config printString.
    ws confirmClose: false "don't show changes unless the user makes a change"

And here is an example from EpPackagingInstructions.

    (EtWorkspace new
        label: MxEPf368 , Date dateAndTimeNow printString;  "$NLS$ Packager Instructions"
        nextPutAll: ws contents;
                showPosition: 0

So, yes. We could continue writing such abominable expressions. I would prefer to have the product provide a standard and concise way to do this.




On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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Re: Feature Request: unary selector on String hierarchy to open a workspace on the string

Richard Sargent
On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 11:47 AM 'Seth Berman' via VA Smalltalk <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,

You could certainly dispatch something a method in String back to an already existing method which is pretty terse already:
EtWorkspace stsPrompt: '' default: self
StsWorkspace stsPrompt: '' default: self

You may need an additional variant of the String method to capture an optional workspace title.
so you could actually include an optional title for the workspace.
EtWorkspace stsPrompt: aTitle default: self.
StsWorkspace stsPrompt: aTitle default: self.

Thanks, Seth. That works. I wasn't aware of its existence.

The modal nature probably won't interfere in my normal use patterns, so it should be fine.

- Seth

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 12:09:46 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 4:17:10 AM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:33:19 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:19:14 PM UTC-7, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Richard,

You mean like:

'xyz' inspect

I'm not sure if you are telling me that #inspect is what I should be using.

I was a little.
That example is so simple that it doesn't illustrate the problems that an inspector presents.

My examples are more along the lines of
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
... some elaborate sequence producing a large amount of information ...
stream contents inspect

stream contents edit would be preferable, especially when the contents include quotes or is something you would like to save to a file or otherwise manipulate further, including paste into a spread sheet.

I'm trying to picture what the contents of the edit would look like.

So am I!!

Here is an example from GBS.

    | ws |
    ws := EtWorkspace new.
    ws open nextPutAll: config printString.
    ws confirmClose: false "don't show changes unless the user makes a change"

And here is an example from EpPackagingInstructions.

    (EtWorkspace new
        label: MxEPf368 , Date dateAndTimeNow printString;  "$NLS$ Packager Instructions"
        nextPutAll: ws contents;
                showPosition: 0

So, yes. We could continue writing such abominable expressions. I would prefer to have the product provide a standard and concise way to do this.




On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 2:45:44 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
 The number of times that I have wished for a simple way to open a workspace showing the contents of a string (in an inspector or from a script, etc.) is beyond my ability to count.

A simple selector such as #edit in a development application would be a truly welcome enhancement.

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/va-smalltalk/25161e14-48dc-4cd1-a702-a3be07717d9a%40googlegroups.com.

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