Issue 1703: Closing last windows raise error
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Status: Closed
Owner: marianopeck
Closed: Today
Cc: mike.rueger
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Reported by marianopeck, Today (4 hours ago)
Pharo image: PharoCore
Pharo core version: v
Virtual machine used: Squeak
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open several windows (whatever)
2. Close all of them
3. Press cmd + w (like trying to close another window).
You will get the attached error.
The problem is that the message closeTopWindow is being sent to
SystemWindow and this is not impelented. I look in older version and it is
like this:
SystemWindow class >> closeTopWindow
"Try to close the top window. It may of course decline"
TopWindow ifNotNil:
[TopWindow delete]
So, adding this method the error is dissappear, but:
1) It even works creating the message doing nothing
2) I think this is not the correct fix. The real fix should do some
ifEmpty: don't send the message closeTopWindow or something like that.
3) I don't understand why the closing of OTHERS windows than the last one,
use another message then closeTopWindow
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