Probably, the hashbang (#code) is causing the front end proxy to
respond with a 400 error.
It works if you do:
ZnEasy get: '
https://etherscan.io/address/0xbcff2d15c698d3874bc29aa170c89fd7a6146a4b'However, I think there might be an specify REST API to get the
Solidity code of that SmartContract.
Also, you can use an available Pharo driver for Ethereum:
https://github.com/sbragagnolo/FogI'm not familiar with Ethereum, but according to Fog's docs you can
get the contract doing:
FogConnection eth getContract: 'ContractHash' blockTag: 'latest'
Esteban A. Maringolo
2017-08-07 9:16 GMT-03:00 Henrique Rocha <
[hidden email]>: