Hi guys,
Encouraged by recent Philippe's benchmarking I did similar on Aida with
Swazoo web server, adding the comparison of Pharo with VisualWorks.
Results are interesting, Pharo is now only 3x slower than VW on dynamic
page generation but on network layer it is the same or even slighty
faster, while it was around 10x slower on Squeak back in 2008 [1],
Results (requests/s)
1. Dynamically generated 3KB login page (/admin?view=login)
VW: 120, Pharo: 40 ratio: 3x
2. Aida ping with zero size response (/ping.html)
local: VW: 4700, Pharo: 4500 ratio: 1,04x
lan: VW: 4500 Pharo: 4600 ratio: 0,97x
inet: VW: 4000, Pharo: 3000 ratio: 1,33x
3. Aida ping with 8K response
local: VW: 2600, Pharo: 3100 ratio: 0,84x
lan: VW: 1400, Pharo: 1400 ratio: 1,00x
inet: VW: 140, Pharo: 140 ratio: 1,00x
Note: network saturation!
local: client run on local machine
lan: client run on machine over 1Gb/s LAN netwrok
inet: client run on machine over 100/10Mb/s internet connection
Test environment
ab (ApacheBech) testing tool
Test machine:
Intel Core i7 860 (2 cores) at 2.80GHz, 8GB RAM
openSuse 11.4 64bit Linux
Pharo 1.3 13320 OneClick (with CogVM)
VisualWorks 7.8
Aida 6.4 (right after installation)
Swazoo patch to allow Keep Alive (ab -k) over HTTP 1.0:
(self task request isHttp10 and: [self task request isKeepAlive not])
ifTrue: [self close].
[1] Swazoo vs. Apache Benchmark (2008)
http://www.swazoo.org/benchmarks/swazoo-vs-apache.htmlBest regards
Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server
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