File and FileStreams

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File and FileStreams

Jerome Chan
When i get a FileStream from a File object and I close the File object,
I sort of expected the FileStream object to be closed too. However, I
encountered an error from the Finalizer thread which indicates that its
trying to close an already closed file handle.

Would it be a better idea to automatically close FileStreams when the
File handles they are based on are closed?

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Re: File and FileStreams

Bill Schwab-2

> When i get a FileStream from a File object and I close the File object,
> I sort of expected the FileStream object to be closed too. However, I
> encountered an error from the Finalizer thread which indicates that its
> trying to close an already closed file handle.
> Would it be a better idea to automatically close FileStreams when the
> File handles they are based on are closed?

How/when to close files has been discussed at various times in the past, and
you can no doubt find more than you want to know<g> in Ian's archives.  What
I do (and it works well most of the time) is close the file stream in an
#ensure: block, but then I usually open files using FileStream class

Does that help?


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]