I am in 7.9.1
If I specify #mustBeNew upon saving a new file using SaveFileDialog (which in turn calls FileDialogNSSavePanel) it will use its open method.
If I then cancel upon the selection definitelyExists dialog the selection is set to nil. <<selection := nil>>
the <<selectedStrings := Array with: selection asString.>> below then fails.
"Open the dialog and answer true if a selection was made, false if the dialog was cancelled.
Set the instance variable #selectedStrings accordingly."
| selection |
selection := self openDialogIfCancel: [^self cancel].
(fileCondition == #old and: [selection definitelyExists not]) ifTrue:
[(Dialog confirm: (self fileDoesNotExistMessage: selection))
ifFalse: [^self open]].
(fileCondition == #mustBeNew and: [selection definitelyExists]) ifTrue:
[(Dialog confirm: (self fileAlreadyExistsMessage: selection))
ifTrue: [^self open]
ifFalse: [selection := nil]].
selectedStrings := Array with: selection asString.
SaveFileDialog lastDirectory: selection directory.
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