Is there a way to allow the user to select
more than 1 file to open? |
> Is there a way to allow the user to select > more than 1 file to open? One of my goodies is a class named MultipleFileOpenDialog that does just that. I've extracted the class and copied it below. After filing it in evaluate MultipleFileOpenDialog showModal The answer is either nil (user cancelled) or a Collection containing the full path names for all the files selected in the dialog. Regards Ian FileOpenDialog subclass: #MultipleFileOpenDialog instanceVariableNames: 'buffer maxFileCount' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! MultipleFileOpenDialog guid: (GUID fromString: '{6BF5BAA9-0551-40BD-A72F-E1E38B778543}')! MultipleFileOpenDialog comment: 'See [DolphinImageFolder]/Ian Bartholomew/Documentation for details (C) 2002 Ian Bartholomew [hidden email] Public Domain Freeware'! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesForClass!IDB Goodies! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog methodsFor! defaultStyle "Answers the style for the receiver." ^super defaultStyle bitOr: ##(OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER)! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesFor: #defaultStyle!constants!public! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog methodsFor! extractResult: result "Extract the result from the buffer. The possible outcomes are result == false. The user cancelled. Don't change the model. result == true. If the user made one selection then the buffer contains a full path. If the user made multiple selections then the first item in the buffer contains the path (minus any filename) and the subsequent entries contain the selected filenames. In both cases we construct a collection of full paths to set the receivers value. Items are stored in the buffer separated by 0, the end of the buffer indicated by an empty entry (double 0)" result ifTrue: [| endIndex pathNames | endIndex := buffer indexOfSubCollection: ##(String with: Character null with: Character null). pathNames := (buffer copyFrom: 1 to: endIndex) subStrings: Character null. pathNames size > 1 ifTrue: [pathNames := (pathNames copyFrom: 2) collect: [:each | File composePath: pathNames first subPath: each]]. self value: pathNames. self apply]! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesFor: #extractResult:!helpers!public! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog methodsFor! maxFileCount: anInteger "Sets the maximum number of paths that can be expected to fit into the buffer" maxFileCount := anInteger! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesFor: #maxFileCount:!accessing!public! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog methodsFor! defaultMaxFileCount "Answers the default number of selections that are expected to fit into the buffer" ^25! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesFor: #defaultMaxFileCount!accessing!public! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog methodsFor! maxFileCount "Answers the maximum number of selections that can be expected to fit into the buffer. Maintain a minimum size of 10, just in case" maxFileCount isNil ifTrue: [^self defaultMaxFileCount]. ^maxFileCount max: 10! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesFor: #maxFileCount!accessing!public! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog methodsFor! prepareStruct "Prepare the structure expected by the dialog. The size of the buffer is set to the maximum size of a Windows path (the buffer will only ever contain one path) plus maxFileCount instVar multiplied by 30. 30 is a guess at the average file name size. If the buffer specified is too small then the Dialog just answers nil, no error is raised. NB We keep a reference to the buffer in an instVar as we need to scan it later to extract multiple Strings (see #extractResult). If we try to use the winStruct reference we can only recover the first String." | filename | buffer := String new: self maxFileCount * 30 + File maxPath. filename := self value. filename notNil ifTrue: [buffer replaceFrom: 1 to: filename size with: filename]. (self winStruct) nMaxFile: buffer size; fileName: buffer; flags: self style! ! !MultipleFileOpenDialog categoriesFor: #prepareStruct!public!realizing/unrealizing! ! |
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