FileTree queries

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FileTree queries


I've just migrated to using FileTree with SVN and am wondering if it is
possible to use it without the monticello.meta? You obviously get a lot
of merge conflicts with these and the version file in particular, and I
didn't really see much benefit when using SVN for commit comments and
revision histories and so forth so have just been ignoring / deleting
them. It seems to work ok for the most part and by loading packages with
Gofer, but I feel like I'm fighting the system a bit and have not had
much luck with Metacello in particular which I would like to get working
again. Can anyone advise?


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Re: FileTree queries

Dale Henrichs

"is possible?" yes ... I've gone through several different versions of FileTree where I've played different games with the meta data ... in the end I figured that to make it simple for folks to move back and forth that the meta data was best left intact ...

With that said, I have several projects that are 100% stored in git and I am mightily annoyed by the extra meta data showing up as changes so I am getting close to nuking the meta data ... as an option .... but I have been busy working on "real projects" instead of spending almost this entire year working on infrastructure so I probably won't be making the changes real soon:)


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Chris" <[hidden email]>
| To: "A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:18:00 AM
| Subject: [Pharo-users] FileTree queries
| Hi,
| I've just migrated to using FileTree with SVN and am wondering if it
| is
| possible to use it without the monticello.meta? You obviously get a
| lot
| of merge conflicts with these and the version file in particular, and
| I
| didn't really see much benefit when using SVN for commit comments and
| revision histories and so forth so have just been ignoring / deleting
| them. It seems to work ok for the most part and by loading packages
| with
| Gofer, but I feel like I'm fighting the system a bit and have not had
| much luck with Metacello in particular which I would like to get
| working
| again. Can anyone advise?
| Thanks
| Chris