In the last part of the method:
1 to: contents size do:
[:i | | name |
name := contents at: i.
(pref match: name ignoreCase: isCaseSensitive not)
[fullName := self construct: name.
sublist isEmpty
ifTrue: [allNames add: fullName asString]
ifFalse: [([fullName isDirectory]
on: OSErrorHolder errorSignal
do: [:ex | ex return: false])
ifTrue: [fullName filesMatchingAccessList: sublist into: allNames]]]]
ie. it first does the matching of pref string to the directory name, and only searches the subfolder contents if it too matches the argument of filesMatching:.
Is this intended, in that the file search is supposed to be conditionally recursive, or is it a simple misordering of #match:/#isDirectory checks?
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