Find class in 1.2.1

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Find class in 1.2.1

re: Pharo 1.2.1 One-Click  / update #12345 ;-)

The Class Find menu item of system browser seems to have a quirk

 I enter


and I see the Settings classes listed below the Set class

but I add one more 't' as in


and I am tossed to the W classes

Is this a known quirk?


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Re: Find class in 1.2.1

Apparently I'm not the only one confused by the search results. I expect this will be reported
repeatedly by people who think the search function is broken when they get results like you did.

I reported it, but the issue was closed as invalid:

If you look carefully at the results, you can find the sequence s e t t, possibly with several other
letters between.  

This only happens with the OB System Browser.  Go to system>settings>code browsing>default browser and change it from 'OBSystemBrowserAdaptor' to 'Browser'. That one only finds proper substrings.