Finding references to traits

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Finding references to traits

Ben Coman
If I come in cold to a system and see some class using trait, and then I
want to find all classes that use that trait. I have tried a few ways
but failed to work it out. The most obvious action "Extended search >
references of it" doesn't show them, and neither does any other action I
try. How is this done?

cheers -ben

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Re: Finding references to traits

Camillo Bruni-3
I think the #users method return what you want, no?

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On 2013-11-16, at 18:19, [hidden email] wrote:

> If I come in cold to a system and see some class using trait, and then I want to find all classes that use that trait. I have tried a few ways but failed to work it out. The most obvious action "Extended search > references of it" doesn't show them, and neither does any other action I try. How is this done?
> cheers -ben

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