We think we may have a fix for the recent Live Update problem. As far
as we can tell the problem stems from the fact that UI work is being
done on a non-UI process. The fix removes the progress dialog in the
Live Update install procedure (it wasn't that much help anyway) and
therefore should ensure that all of the patching work done remains in
the main UI process alone.
Please File In the following patch before attempting Live Update. If
this appears to address the issue we'll build it in as part of the Live
Update procedure itself.
Best regards,
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
!LiveUpdate methodsFor!
"Installs the currently selected patch and all pre-requisites."
| patches progress selectedPatches |
patches := updates model.
selectedPatches := patches copyFrom: 1 to: updates selectionByIndex.
[self installPatches: selectedPatches notifying: DeafObject current]
on: NotTrustedError do: [:x | ].
"Remove installed patches from the list"
updates model list: (patches select: [:each | each key > self model
"Reset temporary trust store"
NotSignedCertificate new beNotTrusted! !
!LiveUpdate categoriesFor: #install!commands!public! !