Flagging hardwired configuration in Pier

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Flagging hardwired configuration in Pier

I have browsed all the methods in pier, seeking out hardwired
configuration type stuff.

The attached changeset (if this list allows) methods which contain
hardwired things such as the default name/password, and much much more.

After filing in the changeset, open the 'method finder' and search for
'senders of...' the following methods in order to find hard coded items
of interest.




'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665] on 9 June 2006 at 6:12:54 am'!

!PRBoxWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:51'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ nil! !

!PRBoxWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:51'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ nil! !

!PRBrowser methodsFor: 'morphic' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:35'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ Color r: 0.151 g: 0.327 b: 0.720! !

!PRBrowser class methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:36'!


        | root kernel structure description |
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        root := OBMetaNode named: 'Root'.
        kernel := OBMetaNode named: 'Kernel'.
        structure := OBMetaNode named: 'Structure'.
        description := OBMetaNode named: 'Description'.
                childAt: #children
                        labeled: 'children'
                        put: kernel.
                childAt: #children
                        labeled: 'instances'
                        put: structure;
                addActor: PRInspectActor new.
                childAt: #children
                        labeled: 'children'
                        put: structure;
                childAt: #description
                        labeled: 'description'
                        put: description;
                addActor: PRContextActor new;
                addActor: PRInspectActor new;
                filterClass: OBModalFilter.
                childAt: #children
                        labeled: 'children'
                        put: description;
                childAt: #description
                        labeled: 'description'
                        put: description;
                addActor: PRInspectActor new;
                filterClass: OBModalFilter.
        ^ root! !

!PRBrowser class methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:37'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ PRRootNode on: PRKernel instances! !

!PRBrowser class methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:36'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'Pier Browser'! !

!PRCommandsWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:51'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ (Array withAll: PRCommand withAllConcreteClasses)
                sort: [ :a :b | a label caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: b label ];
                yourself! !

!PRCommandsWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:50'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box commands'! !

!PRContentsWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:52'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'contents'! !

!PRContentsWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:52'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ '%c'! !

!PRDistribution class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:08'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        "The SqueakMap package name."

        ^ 'Pier'! !

!PRDistribution class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:08'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ #( ( 'Pier-Model' )
                 ( 'Pier-Tests' 'Smalltalk includesKey: #TestCase' )
                 ( 'Pier-Seaside' 'Smalltalk includesKey: #WAComponent' )
                 ( 'Pier-OmniBrowser' 'Smalltalk includesKey: #OBBrowser' ) )! !

!PRDistribution class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:08'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        "The first item is the product name, which should only contain lowercase letters. Then the version numbers are following, that are made up of three numbers. An optimal suffix alpha, beta, pre or rc follows. External packages or extensions might want to call this method to check the version required to run."

        ^ #( pier 1 0 4 alpha )! !

!PRFilePersistency methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:30'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'logs.obj'! !

!PRFilePersistency methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:30'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'snapshots.obj'! !

!PRHeaderWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:52'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ OrderedCollection
                with: PRViewCommand
                with: PREditCommand! !

!PRHeaderWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:52'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'header'! !

!PRHeaderWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:49'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ '%k'! !

!PRInspectActor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:38'!
actionsForNode: aClassNode
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ Array
                with: (OBAction
                        label: 'inspect'
                        buttonLabel: String new
                        receiver: aClassNode model
                        selector: #inspect
                        arguments: Array new
                        keystroke: $i
                        icon: MenuIcons inspectIcon)
                with: (OBAction
                        label: 'explore'
                        buttonLabel: String new
                        receiver: aClassNode model
                        selector: #explore
                        arguments: Array new
                        keystroke: $I
                        icon: MenuIcons inspectIcon)! !

!PRIsbnLink methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:17'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ 'http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN='! !

!PRKernel methodsFor: '*pier-security-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:08'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ self propertyAt: #adminGroup ifAbsentPut: [ PUGroup named: 'admin' ]! !

!PRKernel methodsFor: '*pier-security-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:09'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ self propertyAt: #adminUser ifAbsentPut: [
                (PUUser named: 'admin')
                        addGroup: self adminGroup;
                        password: 'pier';
                        superuser: true;
                        yourself ]! !

!PRKernel methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:10'!
        | structure |

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        structure := PRPage named: 'information'.
        structure childrenDecoration
                add: self defaultInfoIntroduction;
                add: self defaultInfoSyntax;
                add: self defaultInfoLicense.
        structure contents: '-*Introduction>introduction*
        ^ structure! !

!PRKernel methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:10'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ (PRPage named: 'introduction')
                contents: 'The term <i>Wiki</i> usually means the collaborative software used to create, edit and manage hypertext pages on the web. A Wiki enables the users to author their documents using a simple markup language within their preferred web-browser.
Translated from the Hawaiian language <i>Wiki wiki</i> means <i>fast</i> and that is exactly what the collaborative editing process of a WikiWiki Web is all about: Everybody should be able to create and update pages, without the need of user-name and password to login. However there are wiki vandals around that abuse the general public access and make it necessary to protect the content with security mechanism.

There are more than 150 Wiki implementations available and most of them are open source. There are even a few implementations available written in different Smalltalk dialects, so why did we create a new one?
All the implementations we had a look at have major flaws in extensibility: they don''t provide a proper object oriented-design that is covered by unit tests. Moreover they all keep the content of the pages within strings, which makes it painful to render and search the wiki. These wikis haven''t been designed for extensibility!!
The existing Smalltalk wikis are old and it seems that the developers don''t want to touch their running systems. Both, WikiWorks and SqueakWiki, have some of their domain code within external files, what makes the source hard to understand as it is not possible to use the editing and debugging facilities of the Smalltalk environment.

As stated, all the current wiki implementations have problems with extensibility and the design. Redoing the same mistakes is stupid, therefor we put together the following basic requirements and refinded them with the experience we made with the first version:
-<b>Object-Oriented Design:</b> Pier provides a fully object oriented domain model. As an example, the content of the pages is parsed and stored as a tree of different entities representing text, links, tables, lists, etc.
-<b>Extensibility:</b> Everything in Pier can be extended: page types, storage mechanism, actions, security mechanism, web-server, etc. Plug-ins can be shared within the community and loaded independently of each other into the system.
-<b>Open Source:</b> Pier is released under the MIT license which grants unrestricted rights to copy, modify, and redistribute as long as the original copyright and license terms are retained.
-<b>Test Suites:</b> Pier is heavily tested. There are more than 1000 unit tests included with the core of Pier. This makes it easy to change and verify the code and comes in extremely useful when porting Pier to other Smalltalk dialects or when writing extensions.';
                yourself! !

!PRKernel methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:11'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ (PRPage named: 'syntax')
                contents: '!!Paragraphs
As carriage returns are preserved, simply add a newline to begin a new paragraph.

A line starting with <code>!!</code>s becomes a header line.

!!Horizontal Line
A line starting with <code>_</code> (underline) becomes a horizontal line. This is often used to separate topics.

Using lines starting with <code>#</code>s and <code>-</code>s, creates a list:
-A block of lines, where each line starts with <code>-</code> is transformed into a bulleted list, where each line is an entry.
-A block of lines, where each line starts with <code>#</code> is transformed into an ordered list, where each line is an entry.
-Lists can be nested. Thus, a line starting with <code>#-</code> is an element of a bulleted list that is part of an ordered list.

To create a table, start off the lines with <code>|</code> and separate the elements with <code>|</code>s. Each new line represents a new row of the table. The contents of cells can be aligned left, centered or aligned right by using <code>|{</code>, <code>||</code> or <code>|}</code> respectively.

To create a preformatted section, begin each line with <code>=</code>. A preformatted section uses equally spaced text so that spacing is preserved.

To create a link, put it between <code>\*</code>s. All links have the following form <code>\*reference\*</code> or <code>\*alias>reference\*</code>, where the reference is depending on the kind of link that is created. The contents of some links, e.g. links pointing to image-files, can be embedded into the current document by using <code>+</code>s: <code>\+reference\+</code>. However not all types of links support embedding and will quietly ignore it.

!!!!Internal Links
If a structure with the given title exists in the wiki (e.g. <code>\*Path\*</code>), a link to that item shows up when the page is saved. In case the path points to an non-existing structure, the user will be offered the possibility to create a new one when clicking on the link. The path can be any absolute or relative  reference within the wiki.

!!!!External Links
-If the link is an URL (e.g. <code>\*http://www.lukas-renggli.ch\*</code>), a link to the external page shows up.
-If the link is an e-mail address (e.g. <code>\*[hidden email]\*</code>), a link to mail that person shows up.
-If the link is an ISBN number (e.g. <code>\*isbn:3446202102\*</code>), a link to the given book shows up.
-If the link is an RFC number (e.g. <code>\*rfc:2616\*</code>), a link to the given RFC page shows up.

Use any HTML anywhere you want. Some useful HTML tags are:
-To make something <b>bold</b>, surround it by &lt;b&gt; and &lt;/b&gt;.
-To make something <i>italic</i>, surround it by &lt;i&gt; and &lt;/i&gt;.
-To make something <u>underlined</u>, surround it by &lt;u&gt; and &lt;/u&gt;.
-To make text appear in a different color (like <font color="green">green</font>, <font color="red">red</font>, <font color="blue">blue </font>, <font color="grey">grey</font>, <font color="yellow">yellow</font>, or <font color="orange">orange</font>), use &lt;font color="<i>a color</i>"&gt; <i> some text </i> &lt;/font&gt;.';
                yourself! !

!PRKernel methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:12'!

        | structure |

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        structure := PRPage named: 'pier'.
        structure childrenDecoration add: self defaultInfo.
        structure contents: 'Welcome to Pier (formerly called SmallWiki 2), the next generation of a fully extensible content management system implemented in Smalltalk. To read additional information, please consult the *information page>information*.'.
        ^ structure! !

!PRMacroExpander class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:32'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        Default := self on: (Dictionary new
                at: $c put: [ :char :context | context command name ]; " current command "
                at: $r put: [ :char :context | context kernel root title ]; " current root structure "
                at: $t put: [ :char :context | context structure title ]; " current structure "
                at: $k put: [ :char :context | context kernel name ]; " current kernel name "
                yourself)! !

!PRMoveCommand class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:26'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ $m! !

!PRMoveCommand class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:46'!

        ^ 'Move'! !

!PRPath methodsFor: 'accessing-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:33'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ $/! !

!PRPierLibrary methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:41'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ '@import "http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smalltalk/pier/style/84/style.css";'! !

!PRRfcLink methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:17'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ 'http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc'! !

!PRRootNode methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:37'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'Root'! !

!PRSettingsComponentCommand class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:44'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ $p! !

!PRSettingsComponentCommand class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:46'!

        ^ 'Settings'! !

!PRSettingsComponentCommand class methodsFor: 'accessing-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:45'!

        ^ PRComponent! !

!PRStructure methodsFor: '*pier-seaside-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:14'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ 'environment'! !

!PRStructure methodsFor: '*pier-seaside-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:14'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ (PRPage named: 'environment')
                addDecoration: PRHider new;
                addChild: ((PRComponent named: 'header')
                        componentClass: PRHeaderWidget;
                addChild: ((PRComponent named: 'views')
                        componentClass: PRViewsWidget;
                addChild: ((PRComponent named: 'commands')
                        componentClass: PRCommandsWidget;
                addChild: ((PRComponent named: 'tree')
                        componentClass: PRTreeWidget;
                addChild: ((PRComponent named: 'main')
                        componentClass: PRContentsWidget;
                contents: '+header+
<table class="body"><tr><td class="boxes">+views+<br />+commands+<br />+tree+</td><td class="spacer"></td><td class="main">+main+</td></tr></table>';
                yourself! !

!PRStructure methodsFor: '*pier-seaside-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:14'!
        "Return the default view component class of the reciever."

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ PRDefaultView! !

!PRForm class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:42'!

        "PRCompatibility compileFileNamed: 'icons/form.png' into: PRForm class selector: #icon"

        ^ #(137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10 0 0 0 13 73 72 68 82 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 16 8 6 0 0 0 31 243 255 97 0 0 0 9 112 72 89 115 0 0 11 18 0 0 11 18 1 210 221 126 252 0 0 0 4 103 65 77 65 0 0 177 142 124 251 81 147 0 0 0 32 99 72 82 77 0 0 122 37 0 0 128 131 0 0 249 255 0 0 128 233 0 0 117 48 0 0 234 96 0 0 58 152 0 0 23 111 146 95 197 70 0 0 1 51 73 68 65 84 120 218 98 244 137 109 107 96 96 96 168 103 32 15 52 2 4 16 19 5 154 65 160 30 32 128 152 24 40 4 0 1 196 2 34 86 205 44 96 248 247 239 31 78 252 23 68 255 5 226 255 127 225 26 127 253 252 197 80 216 180 154 1 32 128 192 6 252 251 247 151 161 189 189 131 36 155 99 99 99 193 52 64 0 129 13 248 11 52 29 4 90 90 90 136 54 224 218 245 235 96 26 32 128 152 96 46 32 21 128 188 6 2 0 1 4 119 65 126 126 62 195 203 151 47 33 254 5 227 191 12 255 65 254 255 139 20 30 208 112 248 247 239 63 220 0 128 0 130 24 240 15 42 248 247 47 82 224 1 217 127 255 67 12 4 106 250 15 98 131 52 3 13 1 27 252 255 63 216 0 128 0 130 4 34 80 112 202 148 41 36 121 33 40 40 8 76 3 4 16 212 5 164 7 226 153 51 103 192 52 64 0 65 2 241 239 31 178 3 17 32 128 32 46 248 243 143 33 49 49 137 225 246 157 219 144 128 2 74 254 255 255 31 28 54 255 193 225 241 31 130 255 3 53 253 135 240 255 67 195 0 32 128 16 129 248 255 31 92 51 2 67 52 253 71 167 129 154 65 108 16 0 8 32 176 1 5 141 171 200 206 11 0 1 196 8 115 10 185 0 32 192 0 27 196 243 46 254 241 239 219 0 0 0 0 73 69 78 68 174 66 96 130) asByteArray! !

!PRPage methodsFor: 'accessing-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:14'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        "Answer the default document of the receiver."

        ^ PRDocument new
                add: (PRParagraph new
                        add: (PRText with: 'Edit this page ...');
                yourself! !

!PRPage methodsFor: 'accessing-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:13'!

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        "Answer the default document parser for the receiver."

        ^ PRDocumentParser! !

!PRPage methodsFor: 'accessing-configuration' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:13'!
        "Answer the default document writer for the receiver."

        self flag: #pierconfig.

        ^ PRDocumentWriter! !

!PRStructureDescription class methodsFor: '*pier-seaside-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:31'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ Array with: PRStructureComponent! !

!PRStructureDescription class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:46'!

        ^ 'Structure'! !

!PRStructuresWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:54'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ #( title name )! !

!PRStructuresWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:54'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 0! !

!PRStructuresWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:54'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ true! !

!PRChildrenWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:50'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box children'! !

!PRNavigationWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:53'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box navigation'! !

!PRPathWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:53'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box path'! !

!PRReferencesWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:53'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box references'! !

!PRSearchWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:53'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ false! !

!PRSearchWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:53'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box search'! !

!PRSearchWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:53'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 10! !

!PRTocWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:54'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box toc'! !

!PRTreeWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:55'!
self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ true! !

!PRTreeWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:55'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ true! !

!PRTreeWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:55'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box tree'! !

!PRViewCommand class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:26'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ $v! !

!PRViewsWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-default' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:55'!
self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ 'box views'! !

!PRViewsWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-default' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:55'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ (Array withAll: PRViewComponent withAllConcreteClasses)
                sort: [ :a :b | a label caseInsensitiveLessOrEqual: b label ];
                yourself! !

!PRXHtmlWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing-defaults' stamp: 'kph 6/9/2006 05:56'!
        self flag: #pierconfig.
        ^ '<h1>%k</h1><h2>%c</h2>'! !

PRMacroExpander initialize!

SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Smallwiki mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Flagging hardwired configuration in Pier

Lukas Renggli-2
> After filing in the changeset, open the 'method finder' and search for
> 'senders of...' the following methods in order to find hard coded  
> items
> of interest.

Most of this "hard coded" items end up in instances and can be edited  
trough the edit- or settings-command from the user interface, or then  
at least trough an inspector from within the image.

> #label
> #icon

Yes, these parts are more a static thing.


Lukas Renggli

SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Smallwiki mailing list
[hidden email]