Flashing tool tips

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Flashing tool tips

VisualWorks NC 7.7.  OS: Windows 7 (But likely occurs on XP and Vista as

Assumption: Task bar is at the bottom of the screen.

Open a workspace and maximize it to full-screen size.  Move your cursor
to the middle of the status bar at the bottom of the workspace.  The
tool tips window opens but flashes like crazy.

David Buck

vwnc mailing list
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Re: Flashing tool tips

BREITH Karl-Albert (AREVA)

Confirmed on XP.
NOT so on Linux.


Karl Breith

Postfach 1109
91001 Erlangen
Phone: +49 (0) 9131 900 95544
Fax: +49 (0) 9131 900 94081
mail to:  [hidden email]
An AREVA and Siemens company
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Olivier Wantz - Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Erlangen - Registergericht: Fürth, HRB 7817 - www.areva-np.com - Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 206407096  
Supervisory Board Chairman: Olivier Wantz - Managing Directors: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Company Seat: Erlangen - Commercial Registries Fürth, HRB 7817 - www.areva-np.com - VAT ID code: DE 206407096
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von David Buck
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010 14:01
An: 'VWNC'
Betreff: [vwnc] Flashing tool tips

VisualWorks NC 7.7.  OS: Windows 7 (But likely occurs on XP and Vista as

Assumption: Task bar is at the bottom of the screen.

Open a workspace and maximize it to full-screen size.  Move your cursor to the middle of the status bar at the bottom of the workspace.  The tool tips window opens but flashes like crazy.

David Buck

vwnc mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: Flashing tool tips

Dave Stevenson-3
Attached is a resolution Cincom is working on. However, I notified Cincom that the first expression of #reaperFrameExited:
    view notNil
is insufficient to guard against the case where the view has been closed. In our application, pressing the delete key can close the view, and if the tooltip is still open it crashes unless we improve the guard clause like so:
    (view notNil and: [view isOpen])
This is a work in progress - use at your own risk - but with the above change it seems to be behaving well for us.
Dave Stevenson
[hidden email]

From: BREITH Karl-Albert FDWN5-G (AREVA NP GmbH) <[hidden email]>
To: David Buck <[hidden email]>; VWNC <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thu, May 20, 2010 5:27:10 AM
Subject: Re: [vwnc] Flashing tool tips

Confirmed on XP.
NOT so on Linux.


Karl Breith

Postfach 1109
91001 Erlangen
Phone:    +49 (0) 9131 900 95544   
Fax:    +49 (0) 9131 900 94081       
mail to:  [hidden email]
An AREVA and Siemens company

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Olivier Wantz - Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Erlangen - Registergericht: Fürth, HRB 7817 - www.areva-np.com - Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 206407096 
Supervisory Board Chairman: Olivier Wantz - Managing Directors: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Company Seat: Erlangen - Commercial Registries Fürth, HRB 7817 - www.areva-np.com - VAT ID code: DE 206407096
Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese E-Mail kann Betriebs- oder Geschäftsgeheimnisse bzw. sonstige vertrauliche Informationen enthalten. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, ist Ihnen eine Kenntnisnahme des Inhalts, eine Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe der E-Mail ausdrücklich untersagt. Bitte benachrichtigen Sie uns und vernichten Sie die empfangene E-Mail. Vielen Dank.
Important Note: This e-mail may contain trade secrets or privileged, undisclosed or otherwise confidential information. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are hereby notified that any review, copying or distribution of it is strictly prohibited. Please inform us immediately and destroy the original transmittal. Thank you for your cooperation.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von David Buck
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010 14:01
An: 'VWNC'
Betreff: [vwnc] Flashing tool tips

VisualWorks NC 7.7.  OS: Windows 7 (But likely occurs on XP and Vista as

Assumption: Task bar is at the bottom of the screen.

Open a workspace and maximize it to full-screen size.  Move your cursor to the middle of the status bar at the bottom of the workspace.  The tool tips window opens but flashes like crazy.

David Buck

vwnc mailing list
[hidden email]

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