Flipper an Dictionaries

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Flipper an Dictionaries

Ian Bartholomew-18

I noticed a couple of ways of bringing up walkbacks in the Flipper Inspector
and wondered if they are on the list for the next release (is there a list
for the next release?).

Using the PoolDictionary Inspector -

Select a pool and choose "Set to nil" from the popup menu. I get an
immediate walkback.

Select a pool and use the right hand pane to add a new entry.  Enter a valid
key and value and press OK - a walkback is raised.


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Re: Flipper an Dictionaries

Andy Bower

> Select a pool and choose "Set to nil" from the popup menu. I get an
> immediate walkback.

Recorded as #1068

> Select a pool and use the right hand pane to add a new entry.  Enter a
> key and value and press OK - a walkback is raised.

I don't see this. The key should be entered as a String (in single quotes);
are you doing this?

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Flipper an Dictionaries

Ian Bartholomew-18

> I don't see this. The key should be entered as a String (in single
> quotes); are you doing this?

Nope, I was using a Symbol.  It normally doesn't matter (thanks to the first
line in PoolConstantsDictionary>>at:put:) so I often get confused about the
"proper" key Class.  I guess it's just that the Flipper list lookup attempts
to locate a Symbol but the PCD contains a String as the key.

Using Flipper to add to PCDs is not something I do very often though so it's
no real problem for me ...
