Flipper chirps on inspected object error

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Flipper chirps on inspected object error

Alan Reider
I inspected an instance of XLRange (an Excel Range). There was an error

(TKindDispatchAnalyzer DNU #libraryAndIndex) on opening flipper.

This happens in a message callback so bad things happen (eg, damaging the tree
window by moving or opening the debugger causes the entire UI (not only
dolphin) to become unresponsive).

Maybe there should be an Error trap somewhere? I put one in


just to get around it


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Re: Flipper chirps on inspected object error

Blair McGlashan
"Alan Reider" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I inspected an instance of XLRange (an Excel Range). There was an error
> (TKindDispatchAnalyzer DNU #libraryAndIndex) on opening flipper.
> This happens in a message callback so bad things happen (eg, damaging the
> window by moving or opening the debugger causes the entire UI (not only
> dolphin) to become unresponsive).
> Maybe there should be an Error trap somewhere? I put one in
> ExpandingTreeModel>>getChildrenOfNode:
> just to get around it

Yes, this has been addressed as part of #646.

