Flipper observation

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Flipper observation

Ian Bartholomew-3
If you inspect

#(true false)

and then

Dictionary new
    at: 1 put: true;
    at: 2 put: false;

you end up with two Flipper inspectors that look quite similar. With the
Array inspector you can change the values by double clicking but that
doesn't happen with the Dictionary inspector, you have to edit the

It would be more consistent if double clicking worked on both.


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Re: Flipper observation

Andy Bower

> If you inspect
> #(true false)
> and then
> Dictionary new
>     at: 1 put: true;
>     at: 2 put: false;
>     yourself
> you end up with two Flipper inspectors that look quite similar. With the
> Array inspector you can change the values by double clicking but that
> doesn't happen with the Dictionary inspector, you have to edit the
> workspace.
> It would be more consistent if double clicking worked on both.

The difference is that an Array is ostensibly a fixed sized collection (it
doesn't support #add: and #remove:). You'll find that if you inspect:

#(true false) asOrderedCollection

then you can do as you expect. I suppose an implementation for Arrays could
be added using #resize: if others thought this to be important.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Flipper observation

Ian Bartholomew-3

> The difference is that an Array is ostensibly a fixed sized collection (it
> doesn't support #add: and #remove:). You'll find that if you inspect:
> #(true false) asOrderedCollection
> then you can do as you expect. I suppose an implementation for Arrays
> be added using #resize: if others thought this to be important.

Sorry, I didn't explain it very well. It's not the complete collection I
mean but the true and false values. Double clicking on the first field value
in the Array Inspector changes it from true to false, double clicking on the
Dictionary Inspector true/false field values doesn't..


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Re: Flipper observation

Andy Bower

> Sorry, I didn't explain it very well. It's not the complete collection I
> mean but the true and false values. Double clicking on the first field
> in the Array Inspector changes it from true to false, double clicking on
> Dictionary Inspector true/false field values doesn't..

Ok, I see it now. Recorded as #670

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?