Float>>basicAt: primitive for Cog

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Float>>basicAt: primitive for Cog

Guillermo Polito

taking a look at issue 2579
http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2579 I saw it's all
done but:

"The float access methods are an alternative to what is described in
2580 / 2581 , didn't see this when I posted.
They are slightly slower in a CogVM when primitive fails, since you
will have 2 primitive failures before handling, but do not need the
Parser change which allows primitive pragmas with non-literal error

Either way, if this approach is chosen, we might as well write: (same
for basicAt:put:)
Float >> basicAt: index
   <primitive: 38>
   ^super basicAt: index
as ec is always nil in this case."

That should replace

Float >> basicAt: index
        <primitive: 38>
        | ec |
        ec == nil ifTrue: "primitive not implemented; floats are in
big-endian/PowerPC order."
                [^super basicAt: index].
        index isInteger ifTrue: [self errorSubscriptBounds: index].
        index isNumber
                ifTrue: [^self basicAt: index asInteger]
                ifFalse: [self errorNonIntegerIndex]


I ran all the FloatTests and I got:

-Cog VM: all green before and after the change.
-non-Cog VM: 1 failure (on testNaNCompare) before and after the change

I can't see tests for the primitive failure, maybe we should have...

Anyway, I wonder if this change is ok for the non-cog vm also.  Does
anyone know?


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Re: Float>>basicAt: primitive for Cog

Henrik Sperre Johansen

Den 24.08.2010 13:36, skrev Guillermo Polito:

> Hi!
> taking a look at issue 2579
> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2579 I saw it's all
> done but:
> "The float access methods are an alternative to what is described in
> 2580 / 2581 , didn't see this when I posted.
> They are slightly slower in a CogVM when primitive fails, since you
> will have 2 primitive failures before handling, but do not need the
> Parser change which allows primitive pragmas with non-literal error
> parameter.
> Either way, if this approach is chosen, we might as well write: (same
> for basicAt:put:)
> Float >> basicAt: index
>    <primitive: 38>
>    ^super basicAt: index
> as ec is always nil in this case."
> That should replace
> Float >> basicAt: index
> "...."
> <primitive: 38>
> | ec |
> ec == nil ifTrue: "primitive not implemented; floats are in
> big-endian/PowerPC order."
> [^super basicAt: index].
> index isInteger ifTrue: [self errorSubscriptBounds: index].
> index isNumber
> ifTrue: [^self basicAt: index asInteger]
> ifFalse: [self errorNonIntegerIndex]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I ran all the FloatTests and I got:
> -Cog VM: all green before and after the change.
> -non-Cog VM: 1 failure (on testNaNCompare) before and after the change
I don't get any failures on a Windows-nonCog 4.0.2 vm... On what
platform, and which parts of NaNCompare is failing exactly?
> I can't see tests for the primitive failure, maybe we should have...
? If primitive 38 fails, you're either not on a Cog vm, or the error
conditions are exactly the same as for Object basicAt:.

> Anyway, I wonder if this change is ok for the non-cog vm also.  Does
> anyone know?
Yes, of course, otherwise it wouldn't be an alternative ;)


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