FogBugz (Case [Issue]12205) Crosscutting and Misc - Cleanup gofer>>#directory:

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]12205) Crosscutting and Misc - Cleanup gofer>>#directory:

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Sean DeNigris opened Case 12205: Cleanup gofer>>#directory: and assigned it to Sean DeNigris:
Cleanup in Project:  Crosscutting and Misc: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
Discussion started at :

Smalltalk globals
at: #MCSubDirectoryRepository
ifAbsent: [ self error: aDirectoryOrString printString , ' is an unsupported repository type' ]</code>

Why wouldn't MCSubDirectoryRepository be present? Are we staying compatible with other platforms? Or another reason? If it's unnecessary I will gut... err, I mean simplify, hehe...


repository := (aDirectoryOrString isString and: [ aDirectoryOrString endsWith: '*' ])</code>

I don't like the double-duty of appending $* to the string argument to indicate a subdirectory repository. How about adding to the API, like directoriesIn: or similar...
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Sean DeNigris Milestone Milestone: Pharo3.0

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