FogBugz (Case [Issue]12229) Tools - XML Tools improvement

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]12229) Tools - XML Tools improvement

Pharo Issue Tracker
FogBugz Notification
Stephane Ducasse resolved Case 12229: XML Tools improvement and assigned it to Camillo Bruni:
Enhancement in Project:  Tools: 2. External  •  You are subscribed to this case
I published the following packages in their respective projects XMLWriter, XMLParser, and Bitmap. I updated and published the corresponding configuration adding also metadata.

What is to do is:
Another problem is that there are so many deprecated methods cluttering up classes, some of which have been deprecated for years! It is confusing and hard to see which methods to use just by browsing the protocols. I would really suggest using this code to get rid of the XML-Parser methods that have been deprecated for at least a year:

expiry := 1 year.
(SystemNavigation default allClassesInPackageNamed: 'XML-Parser')
do: [:class |
class selectors do: [:selector | | compiledMethod timeStamp |
compiledMethod := class compiledMethodAt: selector.
timeStamp := compiledMethod timeStamp copyAfter: Character space.
(compiledMethod isDeprecated
and: [(DateAndTime now - (DateAndTime fromString: timeStamp)) > expiry])
ifTrue: [class removeSelector: selector]]].

I ran and checked it myself and it doesn't break anything. Running the above with XML-Writer-Core might not be a bad idea either.
Status changed:
Work Needed  changed to  Resolved (Fix Review Needed)

Assigned To changed:
Everyone  changed to  Camillo Bruni

Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Resolved (Fix Review Needed)
Assigned To Assigned to: Camillo Bruni Milestone Milestone: Later

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